Chapter 9- Avalanche

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Am I broken? What's the chance I will survive? Don't sugar-coat me, cause I feel like suicide. Just give it to me straight cause I'm running out of time. I need an antidote, now what can you prescribe?


*Stephanie's Point Of View. *

"What the fuck are you watching Steph?" Vegan asks as he sits next to me on the sofa looking at the TV.

"Supernatural." I state not taking my eyes off the TV- I'm only on the 1st season and already I'm addicted.

"This looks so Shit though Steph, why would you watch this?" Vegan continues to ask.

"What's shit about this? Two brothers go and hunt the supernatural like ghosts and stuff and oh my god! You don't understand my love for Sam Winchester! Like fuck, I want a Sam!" I say before pouting slightly.

"What one's Sam? Is it that dude?" Vegan then points to the TV.

"No that's Dean you idiot, that one's Sam." I laugh pointing to Sam.

"Well, I don't fucking know!" Vegan Sighs nudging my shoulder slightly.

"Well shut up and watch it then you twat." I say rolling my eyes.

"I really don't want to watch this though I'd rather be watching the football game that's on." He sighs leaning back into the sofa and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Stop acting like a kid and deal with it." I then say getting frustrated slightly...

...fucking hell Vegan.


"What the fuck?!" Vegan shouts at the TV as he quickly sits up "they can't end the bloody season like that! What the fuck?! We need to watch season 2 right now Stephanie Anne Sykes!"

"For someone who said it was a shit show you've not done bad in watching it." I laugh "anyway don't use my full name, you know I hate it Matthew!"

"I really don't understand why you hate your middle name." He says before glaring at me. "Anyway don't call me Matthew."

"I really don't understand why you don't like the name Matthew." I mock him making him roll his eyes at me.

Just then my phone starts ringing.

"I'll be right back." I say grabbing my line and standing up before walking past the kitchen area where the other guys were and into the bunk area for some privacy.

Looking at my phone expecting it to be Tom I find it's an unknown number... Weird.

"Hello?" I answer the phone confused.

"Hey Darling, long time no see." I then hear a voice on the other side of the line. Wait, I recognise that voice...


"How the hell did you get my number?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"That's for me to know and for you to not know. Anyway, I've heard you're now on tour with Oli and his band." By now I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"What's it got to do with you?" I ask feeling slightly anxious now- no, I can't let my fear show he'll use it as an advantage otherwise.

"Well I just wanted to check that you hadn't told them about the fun we had together which I'm guessing you haven't due to the tone of your voice. But I'm warning you now Stephanie, if you dare tell anyone about that night, I'll make sure your life is even worse than you may feel it is now." He then threatens me making my breathing hitch in my throat. "I'll speak to you soon Darling." And with that he hangs up.

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