💙the floor is lava💙

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c h i l d r e n >:)


Suns POV:

i woke up in my bed trying to forget yesterday and just got ready for the day. as kids fled the daycare i did my normal jump into ballpit and welcome kids thingy. as the day started like it did everyday i got bored with the kids and what we always did. i started to think for a bit intill i thought of something. i clapped my hands as all the kids ran over to me. "alright everybody! we are going to play the floor is lava with a twist!" i said as i heard some "ooo" and some cheers. "here is how we play! 2 teams with 5 kids and 1 leader. of course i will be one of the leaders but we need another leader." i said thinking of who. "mr. moon can play!!" i heard a child say. "ooo! great idea! moony!!~" i yelled for him. "yes darl?" moondrop said coming down from the tower. "want to play floor is lava with us??" i asked him. "sure." he said as i knew he was trying to not act to happy. when everyone got into there teams we started to play.


anyone on any team can call the floor is lava and retake it back. if your on the floor when the floor is lava is called out your are eliminated from your team and draw. after all the kids are eliminated you had to get the leader and if you do your team wins.

let the game start

Moons POV:

as me and suns team started playing i was the smartest on what to do. "hey team huddle!!" i yelled out to my team. "heres the plan. go for the older kids first and then we go to the younger kids and then at the end lets all attack sun. agreed?"i said as the kids nodded their heads. as we started to go for the older kids and the little kids on mine and suns team were trying to catch up. 

score so far:

moons team: 4(kids)

suns team: 2(kids)

as we kept playing we got out another kid on suns team as sun and the kid looked at each other. "THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!" the both yelled. 2 of my team mates were on the spongy floor and sun and his teammate high-fived.

score so far:

moons team: 2(kids)

suns team: 1(kids)

Suns POV:

when i knew we were losing we both called out 'the floor is lava' and got 2 older kids off moons team and all that was left was a younger kid and a older kid. as we were throwing the ball pit balls around my teammate got hit down and onto the floor and i told them to get back up but right after i said that i heard. "THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!" moondrop yelled. then and there i was the last on my team and moondrops team was after me. i'm DEAD.


Moons Team: 1(kids)

Suns Team: 0(kids)

Moons POV:

after we got suns last teammate out we all went for him and different ways too. i went left as the 2 others went right as i knew sun was trapped. right as we were gonna knock him down he grabbed a rope hanging from the roof(its used for climbing and if any kids got stuck moondrop would use his rope to help). he swain to the other side and landed without losing balance. i could not help but blush at how he outsmarted us. "hey! thats no far!" a older kid on my team yelled. "to be honest nobody said about using the ropes." i said to the child. she took it as an answer as we kept playing. surprisingly sun attacked both the kids on my team very fast. and now it was only me and him.


moons team: 0

suns team: 0

Nobodys POV:

sun was running in different areas of the ball pit not knowing what to do but was sparing time to think. moon on the other hand was ready to knock him down right as he stopped. when sun got an idea he paused for a moment which gave moon the chance to knock him down. right as sun unpaused, moondrop hit sun with a ball pit ball and knocked him off the platform he was on and then yelled. "THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!" as sun fell to the floor. when sun hit the floor his team was eliminated from the game as moons team won. the room filled with "aw!(s)" and "yay!(s)" as moon stepped down from the platform he was on. sun was sad he lost but was happy moon won at the same time. "aw, im sorry doll~ i will give you something later~" moondrop said which got sun red asf. after a few hours passed the kids went home which left sun and moon to relax for the rest of the night.


i got bored so dont mind this whole story-

i also have the urge to make sun and moon having sex- i already drew a bit-


(next is a smut request!!)

840 words

When the sun and moon rise//sunrise x moondropDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora