The Drama

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I dreaded getting out of bed. I knew the moment I opened the door, there would be hell. I rubbed my hand across my face before working up the courage to leave my blanket of protection. My feet hit the cold floor making a slight shiver rake up my body. I stood on shaky knees. 

The shower called to me like a siren. I tore off the bandages to my wounds, seeing that they were already healed. The pink scar is the only reminder that it ever happened. My sore muscles groaned in pleasure as the scalding heat loosened up my sore muscles. I washed my hair at a slow pace, trying to drag out this shower as long as I could. I sighed in defeat and got out. The cool air sent a chill through my body as I walked to my dresser and pulled out today's outfit. 

I put on my most comfortable pair of black cargo pants and my favorite black v neck shirt. I was dressed for battle, which I would be in today. I paired the outfit with my favorite ass-kicking boots and put my hair up into a tight sock bun.

I opened the door and looked at the wreckage that was my living room. Eric looked at me as he swept the glass from the floor into a dustpan. You could feel the rage simmering below the surface. A ticking time bomb waiting to go off. 

I walked to the kitchen and got out the stuff for breakfast. I diced up potatoes for hash browns and pulled out bacon putting it on a hot pan to cook. Continuing with my normal morning routine, I made sure I had the tallest glass of chocolate milk. I generously poured a glass of regular milk for the lirking wolf that was watching my every movement like a predator stalking his kill. 

While the food was cooking, I strapped my leg holster on, securing my 9mm inside. I slid my favorite knife into my combat boot. Last but not least, I opened up the drawer that had all the potions in it. I grabbed the familiar orange bottle and began to uncork it, however strong hands grabbed my wrist, slapping the potion out, making it splatter across the floor. 

"What the fuck!" I yelled. Eric pushed me out of the way, ripping the drawer from the cabinet, he then proceeded to take the drawer, flipping upside down, making the little glass canisters shatter everywhere. 

"I will not let my mate kill herself!" He yelled. I huffed and walked back over to the stove. My blood was boiling. I could feel myself getting close to the edge of a repeat of last night. I scooped food onto two plates. I slammed his plate down forcefully, before sitting down and devouring mine.

"I am not your mate, I have not accepted the bond," I said as I shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth. The sound of a glass cracking broke the silence. Eric's hand was fisted so tightly around his cup that it started cracking under the pressure of his grip. 

I put the last piece of food in my mouth, and rose, putting my plate in the sink. I gathered my bag and keys off the counter making my way to the door, to only have a hand slam the door shut. 

"I have to go to the games. I'm on duty." I glared at him. His jaw ground. His eyes deepened a shade of blue. With a grunt, he moved to the side following me out.

"So are you going to stalk me all day?" I said as I got to my jeep hopping in. He followed suit.

"Yep." He said with a pop of the p. Crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Shouldn't you be doing General stuff?" I said almost in a whine. 

"It's handled. My only task is making sure you don't try to harm yourself. After all, you have been poisoning yourself. It's a general's duty to make sure no harm comes to pack." His husky voice rumbled.

"I'm not part of your pack." My voice was tight.

"As of 7:05 am, you officially have been transferred to the River Forrest pack." He stated matter of factly.

I braked hard and pulled over to the side of the road. My body was tense with rage. I could hear my pulse in my ears.

"Excuse me." My voice was low and my body was rigid.

He tuned in his seat slightly, his body still loose like there isn't anything I could possibly do to hurt him. 

"I am not transferring. You can not force me. Who the fuck do you think you are?" I shouted. He pulled out his phone and began reading.

"Since you follow rules so well, according to Magical Law 5776-042 section B4, 'If a mate bond snaps in place and one of the mates is a threat to themselves or others, an immediate transfer may be granted if both leaders of each mate's designated terrain agree. Please fill out form 506A and submit it to territory leaders for approval or disapproval." He read and then whipped a piece of paper out of his pocket. 

"I have fulfilled the magic law requirements and got the paperwork approved. So I fucking think I am your pack General and your mate darling." He said and booped my nose with his finger with a smile.  

This motherfucker. I lunged. I threw a punch straight to his jaw, clocking his mouth. I went to throw another one but he caught my wrist. I growled in frustration. Deciding that whooping his ass further would have to wait, I threw the Jeep in drive and raced down the road. I turned away from the games and went straight to the War room on a warpath. 

"What in the ever-loving fuck Jameson. I have done everything you asked. I have successfully completed every fucking mission, and you're going to throw me away like fucking trash?" I shouted. I never shouted. The sound of my raised voice and the disrespect I was showing to the Alpha had the other wolves tense and ready.

"I understand you are upset, but you will not disrespect me in such regard again." Alpha Jameson's voice was tight with power. My magic started licking my fingers, it pulsed under my skin like a heartbeat. 

"No, you don't understand! I have done everything, even the dark shit no one here likes to talk about. This is bullshit!" I shouted. Tight arms bound me. 

"Let me go right now!" I kicked and tried to squirm my way out. Eric grunted with each strike.

"I said that's enough! If I had any inclination that you planned to kill yourself then you would be at the Lunesta village with so many pills shoved down your throat that you wouldn't be able to comprehend a cohesive thought. You are lucky. The goddess only grants us one mate, and you have an honorable man! You are not the only one with a troubled past Rosealie. Now buck the fuck up and shut the fuck up, we have work to do." Alpha Jameson yelled. The Lunesta Village was just a glorified mental hospital. They pump you full of shit that makes you a walking zombie. Don't need anyone wolfing out, or cursing people because they can't remember their breakfast.

My power fizzed out into nothing. Like someone dropped a bucket of water right over me. I let out a deep breath and let it relax my body. Eric set me down gently. I closed my eyes, counting down from 10, getting into the right mind space.

Eric and I patrolled, looking every bit of a couple just going to enjoy the games. He guided me with his hand on the small of my back. It tingled and sent warm up my spine. I was going to try and push it off, but the comfort was needed at the moment.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" He asked. I stumbled, out of all the questions he could ask, he chose to ask what's for dinner.

"Dinner? Of all the questions bouncing around in your head, that's what you went with?" I responded back, my voice full of sarcasm. I looked up at him, and he just nodded his head.

"It's Thursday, Spaghetti night at Henry's." I replied back cautiously.

"Who the fuck is Henry?" He ground out through his teeth as he grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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