How We Met: Part Two

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Harry’s P.O.V.

“I feel bad for hitting you in the face with the ball. I’m so sorry. Well since you already know my name, I would like to ask what yours is.” I asked the red head I was walking to the nurse.

“It’s fine, I play lacrosse and worse things have happened. My name is Anna Mendez.” she said in a nasally voice. It was kind of cute the way her voice sounded.

“Anna, that’s a nice name, I like your red hair and it matches the blood coming out of your nose.” I said trying to make a joke but she just smiled. “Sorry, I’m not really the funny one of the group. But it was worth a shot.”

“Of the group?” she questioned me.

“Yeah, it’s me, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall. We moved here from Britain about five years ago because our families were having a rough time.” I said looking at the floor. Anna rubbed my shoulder with her free hand sympathetically.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope that everything is better now.”

“It’s gotten better, my parents have found better jobs and so have the other boys’ families.” I looked at her and smiled.

We reached the Nurses Office without Anna injuring her-self any more. I got a whiff of bleach the moment I walked in, they must like to keep things clean or, someone threw up.

“Hello Anna, what happened?” one of the nurses ask her.

“Well, you see this young gentleman right here?” she pointed to me, “He was trying to throw a dodge ball at my friend but instead, hit me in the face.” I shrugged my shoulders and she smiled then shook her head.

“Okay, come on in the back and lay down.” The nurse gave her a couple of tissues and brought her into one of the back areas.

“Come on Harry, you hit me in the face so you have to suffer here with me.” Anna told me. Before I could walk into the back, one of the older nurses called me over towards her. I walked over not knowing what to expect.

“Treat her good, she is one of the few girls here that actually play a rough sport.” she said in a shaky tone.

“Oh, no, we are not together.” Well, we are not together yet. I thought to myself. I walked over to where Anna was laying and I sat in the stool that was next to the bed. She looked so cute when she twittled her feet. I thought about what the nurse said and she does have a point. Every girl that I have seen so far either wears mini-skirts and heels, a shit load of makeup, or is just a bitch. But Anna was nice and she isn’t afraid to be herself. Most girls, first of all, would have rather done cheerleading, and secondly would rather have their friend walk them to the nurse when they had a bloody nose, but she walked to the nurse with me with blood dripping down her face and didn’t even give a rats ass what she looked like.

“So, Anna,” I cleared my throat, “how long have you been playing lacrosse?”

“About three years, I started when I was twelve. So do you play any sport?”

“I play football but here I guess you guys call it soccer. I also sing a little.” I said trying not to blush.

“Really? I didn’t expect you as a singer. You must be bass, right?” she asked me.

“You would think so but I can actually get pretty high up the scale.” I smiled.

She giggled a little. Her smile was so adorable, and her laugh was cute. I have to ask her out but I’ve only known her for a half an hour. I’ll just weasel my way into it.

“So, Anna, you must see a lot of guys when you play lacrosse. Not that you are a guy but, many guys play it an--”

“Harry,” she cut me off, “I get what you’re saying and its okay. And yes I do but none of them are as much of a gentleman as you.”

“You think I’m a gentleman, huh.” I said shyly. My heart started pounding and my hands got all clammy. I have never felt this way before. I guess I should just come out with it. Okay here it goes.

“Anna, I know that I have just met you but I think you’re really pretty and you’re not like other girls. You play a sport that doesn’t involve wearing short skirts,” Although I wouldn’t mind seeing her in one, “and pompoms. You play a sport that involves getting dirty and all sweaty. I like that about you, but you also strike me as the type of person who would get dressed up to go out on a date with a guy who has curly hair. Sorry if I am coming on to strong but, I-I really like you Anna Mendez and I think--”

“Harry,” she pressed her finger to my lips, “are you trying to ask me out?”

“Well, um, ye, yeah, yeah I am.” I blushed and was nervous when she didn’t answer right away.

“Oh, well, Harry, I um--” the bells rang and cut her off.

“Harry, Anna you guys need to get back to class!” one of the nurses yelled. Anna got up and threw out the tissue and told me that she will see me later and rushed out the door.

“Wait but,” I started, “you never gave me an answer.” I mumbled under my breath.

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