The Music Freaks Incorrect Quotes (Part 1)

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Luke: What's worse than a heartbreak?

Zander: Stepping on a dogs tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry


Liam: It's pride month boys. You know what that means!?

Henry: Being gay prevents crime?


Liam: *Hugs Henry*


Jake: Would you date a girl taller then you?

Zander: No

Jake: That's a little shallow of you U^U

Zander: Jake... I'm gay


Milly: You know Elliot... it's getting warm in here, and you are really hot too, so maybe we should get some ice cream together?


Elliot: You think I'm hot?

Milly: ...Fuck...


Milly: Hey Hailey...

Hailey: Hey Milly. What's wrong?

Hailey: You seemed like you had a lot of energy yesterday

Milly: Well... homework took half of my energy :(


Bethany: Zander, do you want to go McDonalds with me and Hailey? :D

Zander: My heart says yes, but my anxiety says no

Bethany: All I heard was yes. So let's go! >w<

Zander: But my anxiety says no

Bethany: Listen to your heart UmU

Zander: Bethany!

Bethany: Hailey! Help me get Zander into the car!!


Milly: I dare you to kiss the next person that comes through that door

Hailey: No Milly, I won't except that da-

Jake: *Walks in*

Hailey: Ok, I'll accept the dare now

Zander: No! Milly! Take back the dare!

Zander: Hailey! Step away from that douchbag-


Sean: How do you want your coffee Daisy?

Daisy: As dark and bitter as my soul ^^

Sean: Hm... I guess you can have milk instead ^w^


Hailey: Wanna help with my wedding?

Jake: Oh, you're getting married?

Hailey: Yeah! ^^

Jake: Ok, what do you want me to help you with?

Hailey: Be my husband

Jake: *Flustered*


Sean: Don't break someone's heart. They only have one

Milly: Break their bones! They have 206 of those!

Milly: *Looks over the school for Zoey to demonstrate*


Jake: You call yourself a friend. But where were you when my meme only had 4 likes?

Hailey: Making 4 accounts

Jake: Bro...


Zander: From now on, I will go with the flow. You know, do what the wind says

Hailey: Well, I'm the wind, and I say do the damn dishes

That's all peeps :'D

Sorry if it's short TwT

I just felt like typing random stuff on my computer and test how fast I am at typing XD
But I hope you enjoyed these quotes TvT

And also, please don't forget to check out my YouTube Channel
Crystal_The Music Wolf

I make TMF content and make different AU's of TMF

And mostly make meme videos because my motivation doesn't last forever, but then again...

WhO aCtUaLlY kEePs ThEiR mOtIvAtIoN fOr MoRe ThEn 2 DaYs!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!!??!?!??!?

But yeah... so I hope you'll go check out my YouTube Channel guys ^^
Plus, please do... the only thing spamming in the comments is:


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