Chapter 9: Left Alone

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What are we doing here again?

The Ingredients we need can only be found here, The "Fairy Forest"

Fairy Forest, right next to the Air Kingdom, a forest full of Natural resources, and habitats for lots of animals.

is this it?- Ah!

Jess suddenly fell in a cliff.

[Drake and Hatsune]
Jess! Are you okay?!

Yes... I dropped on something soft


Jess stood up and she saw a fairy.

Sorry Sorry!

I-It's fine...

You look familiar...


Ah! right, when I was hiding in the bush during the Royal Ball, I saw you fly away from the castle 

Ah... yeah, those kinds of events are really not my thing, cause I don't like socializing with many people...

I know the feeling, that Royal Ball was my first time, so I didn't know how to socialize with the people there

But your Bestie is there to help you out right?


Hatsune by the way


your girl Jess!

Nice to meet you all, I'm May

Hey is there any way you could help us get some ingredients? 

Sure! Come with me!

{1 hour later}

Bye May!

Bye Everyone, have a safe trip back home

You too, Be safe!

We'll visit you some time!

After they left, May couldn't believe what happened.

Oh. my. god! My first friends from other Kingdoms! This is a dream come true!

I hope they're not like the old ones... saying they'll be back, but left me forever instead...

{7 years ago}

hey lonely kid!


Wanna play with us?

U-Uhm No thank you...

[Kid 2]
Come on! It'll be fun!

[Kid 3]
The more the merrier!


The kids didn't know she was a princess, only child of King and Queen Wirelix.

{2 hours later}

That was fun!


[Kid 3]
May is so boring, she has no energy

Kid 3 whispered to Kid 2.

Even if it was a whisper, May still heard it, she thought she found the perfect friends, but she didn't know they will just dump her.

Even if May knew they didn't liked her, she still went to play with them everyday, she tried improving herself, like using more energy, trying to be more friendly, but that didn't change anything.

Until one day...

Let's play again tomorrow May


But the very next day, they didn't return to the usual spot, May waited until dawn, but they never came, She waited for days, but they never came back.

Ha... admit it May, you'll never have friends... I'm too boring anyways, No one will like me...

{End of Flashback}

What if they did the same thing? leaving me behind? making me wait?

We'll just see... If they didn't show up for a week, I'll promise myself to never have friends again...

To be Continued...

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