Chapter 25: A Better Sister

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{Lunch at the Ice Kingdom}

Mother, Father?

[King Antonio]
Yes? you need something my daughter?

Do you know anything about the "Black Heart Scepter"?

[Queen Vik]
Oh, The weapon made by our ancestors? 

Wait, the witches made it?

[Queen Vik]
Not entirely, the scepter was made from different Kingdoms


[Queen Vik]
That's all I know

Oh, Thank you for the information, Mother

[King Antonio]
Why'd you ask?

It's for uhh, a research! yeah, an important research

[King Antonio]
Oh Alright

{After Lunch}

[Hatsune's POV]
Maybe I need to know the other kingdom... so now I know the others are Dark and ice, what's the other one?

Hatsune heard a knock on her door.

Come in

It was Heaven.


Oh... Sister...

[Hatsune's POV]
Did she get suspicious of me? 

Can we talk for a second?


Heaven sat besides Hatsune.

Look I... I'm really sorry, for what I've done to you... I know I wasn't the best Sister, and It's fine if you don't forgive me, I just wanna say sorry

Hatsune hugged Heaven.

I forgive you, Sister...

To make it up to you, I can help you with your research

Huh? Oh uh-

I know a lot about the scepter

How so?

I'm not suppose to tell you this already but... every generation, a book is given to the top sorceress and sorcerers, like me

So does that mean you have it?

Yes, and we're not allowed to tell anything about the book but, your research seems so important 

yeah, it is

So here, open it at page ##

Heaven handed the book at Hatsune.

Are you sure it's fine?

yeah, and I bet I'll be yours soon

Hatsune smiled after hearing what her Sister said, and she opened the book as told.

The Black Heart Scepter, a powerful weapon to use against the demons, a weapon that turns any heart black. The scepter's origin was from three Kingdoms.

The Ice Kingdom, with the help of the witches, they turned this scepter enchanted, making it possible to store power.

The Dark Kingdom, now that it can store power, they filled it with Dark Magic.

Lastly, The Earth Kingdom, the Materials in making the scepter was crafted by the best blacksmith Giant.

The Earth Kingdom... Thank you for letting me know this Sister!

No Problem

[Hatsune's POV]
We're now ahead of the villain

To be Continued...

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