Author Note

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Hey hey guys, writer here.

I will be uploading another chapter soon. But uploading will be somewhat slow for a bit. 

I also wanted to let you know to go back into chapter 15 if you want to see her dress to the ball and chapter 16 at the end to see Zola's new witchy eyes.

And yes, her eyes will be like that at all times, just less intense when she's not doing magic.

Also, thank you for everyone who came from tiktok and supporting me. It means alot, it really does.

I will say this book will not be having nothing to do with the originals show. Seeing as the show is pretty much about hayley birthing hope and then hope after that. And hope will not exist in this book. Maybe😁

Please let me know if you guys have any questions at all. I can do an Q&A chapter to explain anything.

Once again, thank you for all the support and I hope you do continue to keep supporting in the future. But I do hope you stay. Next chapters are pretty interesting if I do say so myself. <insert evil laughs>

All the love <3

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