Chapter 17: Bitter Work

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"Today's the day." Aang exclaims as he wakes up the entire camp including a little girl who begins crying.

"Thanks Aang. You woke her up now she'll be grumpy all day." Sying grumbles as she consoles the little girl.

"Sorry but can you believe it?
After all that time
searching for a teacher,
I'm finally
starting earthbending." He cheers as the crying calms down.

"And this place, it's perfect." Toph adds feeling around by stomping her feet.

"Don't you think? Sokka?" Aang adds looking at his sleepy best friend. "Oh, you're still sleeping, huh?" They earth benders move away from the group to start learning.

"Good morning, earthbending student." Aang bows.

"Good morning, Sifu Toph."

"So what move are you gonna
teach me first? Rockalanche, the trembler? Oh, maybe I can learn to make a whirlpool out of land." Aang bounces.

"Well, let's start with, move a rock." Toph deadpans.

"Sounds good. Sounds good."

"The key to earthbending
is your stance. You've got to be
steady and strong. Rock is a stubborn element. If you're going to move it, you've got to be like a rock yourself."

"Like a rock. Got it."


Zuko grabs his daughter after listening in to the lesson. "Let's learn some fire bending! What do you say, darling?"

"Woohoo! Fire! Fire!" Izumi cheers as she juggles a white flame. The parents laugh at the little girl as Zuko and Izumi move away to practice.

"Okay first show me everything I taught you last time, baby." Zuko requests siting down to watch her.

She nods and stretches before going to show her father. She swirls her hands to create a tunnel like fire blast before turning on her heel to kick up small white flames. Finally she shows him the dragon she learned from a circus performer. She guides it with her and around her small body and over her head. It follows as graceful as waves on the ocean.

"Beautiful! That was excellent, darling." Zuko smiles at his baby girl, "Now let's learn a few more basics."


"This time, we're going to
try something a little different.
Instead of moving a rock,
we're going to stop a rock." Toph states as Aang looks up at the giant boulder above him.

"Get in your horse stance.
I'm going to roll that boulder
down at you. If you have the attitude of an earthbender,
you'll stay in your stance
and stop the rock,
Like this." She shows him the proper stance as Katara glances that way worriedly.

"Sorry, Toph, but are you sure
this is really the best way
to teach Aang earthbending?" Katara wonders.

"I'm glad you said something.
Actually, there is a better way." She ties a blind fold to around his eyes.
"This way, you'll really have to sense the vibrations of the boulder to stop it. Thank you, Katara."

"Yeah, thanks, Katara." Aang says sarcastically.
The boulder is pushed down and at the last second Aang jumps over it.

"I guess I just panicked. I don't know what to say."

"There's nothing to say.
You blew it. You had a perfect stance and perfect form,
but when it came right down to it,
you didn't have the guts. This is why you're people died! They had no guts!" She yells with tears and runs away. Sying sees this and runs after her.

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