Harrys Charming Jokes

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Louis: Hey girl heyyy

Harry: Last time I checked I was a man
Harry: actually the last time you checked I was a man

Louis: I was trying to be funny but I guess some people here can't take a joke...

Harry: oh, you think I don't get jokes??
Harry: you would be sadly mistaken my friend

Louis: am I?

Harry: knock knock

Louis: ugh

Harry: come on just ask me who's there

Louis: fine
Louis: who's at the motha fuckin door?

Harry: ...

Louis: to much?

Harry: just a bit
Harry: but anyways...

Harry: the cow goes

Louis: the cow goes who?

Harry: no.. The cow goes moo
Harry: ehhh??

Louis: I don't know weather to laugh or cry tbh

Harry: why would you cry?!

Louis: because I'm talking to you

Harry: I bet I'm funnier then all of your friends combined
Harry: or maybe you don't have friends idk

Louis: I'll have you know I have plenty of friends
Louis: jk lol I have one friend
Louis: more than you obviously

Harry: is that one friend me??
Harry: it is I know it

Louis: don't get to confident sunny boy
Louis: and no it's not you
Louis: his name is Stan, we've been friends since the uterus days

Harry: soooo I'm not your friend?!?

Louis: nope

Harry: awe come on didn't my joke charm you?

Louis: not even a bit

Harry: huh
Harry: that's the one that usually reels em in

Louis: oh yeah,
Louis: I made up my mind about that laugh or cry thing

Harry: and....

Louis: I cried

Harry: why are you always so mean to me:(

Louis: I was only kidding... I'm sorry

Harry: I fibbed youuu
Harry: I was kidding also :))))

Louis: your such a dick

Harry: I know you are but what am I?

Louis: you've GOT to be kidding me
Louis: I'm literally texting a 2 year old

Harry: what?
Harry: what did I do?

Louis: "I know you are but what am I?" -_-

Harry: scuse me, but I am 16 years of age and that is considered a put down so I would stop it right now

Louis: oh sorry big guy
Louis: but I'm 18 so I'm queen

Harry: 2 years age difference ain't bad
Harry: jk I hate that word don't even say it

Louis: difference?

Harry: I'm talking about ain't, dumbass

Louis: name calling is not needed Harold

Harry: I do recall you calling me a dick
Harry: idk what that classifies in your Names to be Called book but I think that is definitely a name to be called

Louis: that was a long ass reply full of bullshit gtfo

Harry: you're just jealous that I seduce people of all genders and age with my words of passion

Louis: cause the word dick is so full of passion

Harry: if you use it in the right context ;)
Harry: but anyway... You're a jelly bean:)

Louis: I'm leaving

Harry: whyyyy???

Louis: i don't like you anymore
Louis: I'm getting back together with Stan

Harry: nooo

Louis: yep
Louis: sayonara pistachio

Harry:but louiss

Louis: what

Harry: I can love you more than Stan <3

Louis: I was dicking around all along my love

Harry: I was kidding too

Louis: oh

Harry: oh

Harry: bye now. xx

Louis: fuck you :(

If you could comment how I'm doing so far it would be dandy
Peace brothas

Wrong Number~ Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now