Chapter 25

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3rd Person Flashback

Hunter was sitting in his office waiting for his men to bring in Grey Smith, while his brother was standing by the window staring off into space.

A few minutes later the large double doors that lead into the room was opened, for some odd reason one of his men was dragged into the room along with Grey.

"What's the meaning of this? I only asked for one person not two."Hunter stands up as Noah turns and watches the situation unfold.

"I know sir, but when we apprehend Smith he told us that he had inside help to figure out when you would be at the mall. He then revealed who it was." One of the men spoke up before pushing the snitch in front of Hunter, who's eyes were crimson red.

"Now to tell me, who do you think you are? Hurting MY family? Taking away MY BABY." Hunter grabs the betrayer by his neck, his nails start to dig into the flesh. "You hurt my family, I take your life." With that Hunter broke the man's neck and rips his head off, blood splattering all over him also along the walls. "Now, to you." He turns and looks at Grey who was  shaking in absolute fear.  

"I'll tell your everything! Please don't kill me! This chick name Sophia approached me asking if I want to work for her, I declined and tried to walk away then she mentioned Leah and how I could get her back if I did what she said. So she told introduced me to the man you just killed and he told me that you and your brother planned on going to the beach again and you will stop by the mall. So we made a plan to kidnap Leah, I followed you guys to the mall and saw Leah wander away for your, so I disguised myself and drugged her. She took Leah to some place I think it was called Urbino.  She said after a week she will give Leah back to me. I haven't heard from her since I handed Leah to her." Grey spilled everything. 

Noah walks over from where he was standing and pulls out a gun, "w-wait please! N-" before Grey could finish his sentence Noah shot him dead in the head. "Clean this mess up, we are getting on a plane to Urbino in two hours." He then turns to his younger brother. " Go shower, we will get Leah back don't worry." 

Two hours later Hunter and Noah were on a plane to Urbino, they were discussing a plan on how to get Leah back. 

"We can't just waltz in there without a plan, Sophia may be dull at times but she is quite smart. You may not like this plan but, you are going to have to make Sophia think you want her. You must really convince her. Leah is going to hear some words come out of you that she thinks is really but they really aren't. So after this you are going to have to prove to Leah that you want her."  Hunter listens to his Older brother speak, he sighs not liking the plan but knows that he has to go along with it. 

"When this is all over...I plan on giving you the title on leader of the Bloodstone Family,  I don't think I can handle it anym-" Before Hunter could even finish he felt a sharp slap across his face. He looks at the culprit who was his own brother looking at him in anger. 

"If you ever say that again, I will beat your fucking ass. You are a great leader, you deserve to be the leader. You were there for our family when I decided to act like an ass and leave for 10 years, when I came back our parents were still hurt but you welcomed me home with a hug and as your right hand man." Noah sits back. 

"I know but still, I can't even watch after my own baby girl. I'm a failu-"Noah didn't let him finish this time either, instead he slapped him even harder over and over again until Hunter stopped him.  "I'm not playing around with you fratello, I will fucking beat your ass! You are the greatest there ever is, you are NOT a failure." Noah stands up and sits down next to Hunter, who was looking down trying his best not to cry. 

He wraps his arms around his younger brother and just holds him as he felts his emotions run free, for the first time in a hundred years Hunter is finally crying. The last time he cried was when their mother was on the verge of death. Hunter and Noah may be fifty years apart, but they have always been close. Even when Noah ran off, Hunter kept looking for him. 

Once they finally landed in Italy, they take a car up to Urbino to look for Leah. They looked everywhere until finally finding the right location, it took the brothers less than five minutes to deal with the guards. Hunter was covered in blood by the time they were done because he let his anger get the best of him. The two makes their way into the room where Leah was being held. 

Hunter distracts Sophia by saying how much he is sorry and misses her, while he was saying those words he could see the hurt on his princess's face but he had to go along with the plan. Once Noah successfully takes Leah out of the room, Hunter grabs Sophia and starts to smash her face into the wall. He finally lets his anger take over, he starts to torture the living hell out of her. He finally rips her head off, blood spattering all over his clothes. He sets the whole building on fire before walking out. 

He wipes his face off and gets on the plane, his brother stops him from touching Leah. He knows that for now he should keep his distance so he sits in a different seat for the whole ride home. 

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