Chapter 21

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The next day Hunter wakes up to Scout licking his face,"Mhm what is it boy?"He asks and sits up and looks over at Leah who was still asleep. He smiles before putting on his boxers and walking out of the bedroom and down the stairs,he opens the back door to the backyard and watches as Scout runs outside. 

Hunter chuckles and walks back upstairs to start a nice bath for his beautiful little and girlfriend,once he is in the bedroom he quietly walks over to the bed and smiles when he seems Leah spread out on the bed still asleep. 

He walks to the bathroom and starts to fill the tub with warm water,the Vampire then adds some bubbles along with a couple of bath toys. Once the bath is ready he lights a couple of candles and turns off the lights,the candles lighting up the room. 

Hunter  then walks back into the bedroom and to his surprise Leah was already awake,she was trying to cover her bare body with the blankets, “Good morning baby” he smiles and walks over to her. Leah turns around and looks at him,”Hewwo daddy!” She giggles as Hunter grabs his shirt that he discarded last night and puts it on her small frame. “Daddy made you a nice bath to help relax your muscles since you might be a little sore,and once we are done with our bath we can go downstairs into the kitchen and make breakfast together.” 

Leah giggles and nods,loving that idea. “Otay daddy!” She tries to stand up but falls back onto the bed. Hunter chuckles softly and picks her up before carrying his small baby into the bathroom,Leah looks around and smiles as she clings onto him. Hunter takes off the shirt that she was wearing before setting her into the tub,he then takes off his boxers and gets in behind her. Hunter smiles softly as he watches Leah play with her bath toys along with the bubbles,the vampire then starts to wash them off. Once he gets to her neck he sees the bite mark he left on her,Hunter leans down and gently kisses the bite mark making Leah giggle. 

“Daddy?” She says softly, “Yes baby?”He asks as he starts to wash her hair. “C-can you turn me into a vampire?” She asks as she plays with her boat. “Hm,well I can but not right now baby girl,I think we should both wait until we are ready. I don’t want to do anything you will probably regret later on. Do you understand, baby girl?” He asks as he gently scrubs his scalp. “Otay daddy, I gots it”She nods

“Good girl now close your eyes so I can rinse out the shampoo”He tells her,Leah closes her eyes and Hunter rinses out the shampoo,he then adds the conditioner. Hunter hums softly as he continues to wash her hair, after about 3 minutes he washes out the conditioner. “There you go baby, you can open your eyes now.” He says gently, Leah opens her eyes and turns around. “Kiss?”She asks and looks at him. 

Hunter smiles and pecks her lips,”I love you so much baby.” He tells her, making Leah blush slightly. “I wuv you too daddy!” After about an extra 10 minutes in the bath Hunter takes them out and dries them off.  He wraps a towel around his waist and a big fluffy towel around Leah and carries her into his bedroom. 

“Do you want to choose your own clothes baby or do you want me to help?” He asks her as he sets her down on the bed and walks to his dresser. Hunter pulls out clean boxers and puts them on,”I wanna were daddy’s clothes!”She giggles and kicks her legs. “Okay baby, you can wear my clothes.” He grabs a pair of his boxers and hands them to her along with one of his white button down shirts, he walks over to Leah and helps her get dressed. Once they were both clothed he carries Leah downstairs, and sets her on the kitchen counter. He then gets out a bag of dog food from a corner of the kitchen and fills one of Scout’s bowls with the food, he then fills the other with water. Hunter sets them down on the ground near the kitchen counter and goes to the back door,one he lets their dog in; Scout runs over to the food and starts eating. 

“Now what should we eat baby?”He ask Leah who makes a cute thinking face, “Ummm strwberry belgian waffles!”She giggles and looks up at him. “Okay baby girl we can have strawberry belgain waffles''. He smiles and gets out all of the ingredients needed. Once he has all of the ingredients he starts to tell Leah what to do,once all the dry ingredients and wet ingredients are in two separate bowls he helps her gently pour the wet ingredients into the dry. They then start to mix the ingredients together until they are fully incorporated, Leah dips her finger into the batter and smears it on his nose. “Really?” he looks at her and chuckles making Leah bust into a ball of giggles, Hunter grabs a towel and cleans his nose before walking over to the belgain waffle maker and turning it on. 

Once it gets hot he brings the batter over and picks Leah up,setting her on his hip. He then gets a measuring cup and brings her over to the waffle maker but being careful so she does not get hurt. “Okay baby,you are going to fill this measuring cup with batter and carefully pour it into the waffle maker. I don't want my baby girl getting hurt” he smiles and hands the measuring cup to Leah, she fills the cup with the batter and pours it into the waffle maker,accidently getting some on the counter.

“I did it!”Leah giggles as Hunter closes the top and sets her on the other side of the counter as he tickles her sides. “You did baby, daddy is very proud of you!” After about 15 minutes they had a big plate of waffles. “Hm seems like we made quite a lot”He looks over at Leah who nods in agreement. “Wat we do?” she asks him,soon the doorbell rings making Scout jump up and run to the door, he starts barking. “Hm, I wonder who’s here.” He carries Leah to the door and opens it, revealing Amber and Noah. “Hi Uncle Hunter! Hi Leah!” Amber giggles as Leah wiggles in Hunters’s grip wanting to get down. 

Once Hunter sets Leah on her feet, her and Amber hug each other. “Hey what are you guys doing here?”He asks before looking up at Noah, he immediately notices something is wrong just by his facial expression. “Abbiamo un problema, un enorme problema fratello.” (we have a problem, a huge problem brother)

Hunter nods as he moves out of the way to let them in. “Have you eaten yet?”He asks them,making Noah shake his head. “Non, ci siamo appena alzati dal letto” (no we just got out of bed). Hunter leads them to the table and grabs two extra plates as Noah goes to the car and grabs their 4 suitcase full of clothes and other necessities. Leah and Amber sit down at the table and start to plan out their whole day, which includes a disney movie marathon. Hunter puts some of the waffles onto the plates and fills two sippy cups with orange juice and two glasses with AB- blood. He places the plates, sippy cups and glasses on the table. Noah sits down at the table as Hunter sits by him, the girls start eating as Hunter looks over at his older brother, “Quello che è successo?” (Whats happened)  he asked as he takes a sip of the red liquid. 

“C'era una bomba piazzata nella casa dei nostri genitori, fortunati che non fossero dentro.”(There was a bomb planted in our parents' house, lucky they weren't inside.) Noah tells him as he clenches a fist until his knuckles turn white. “Sappiamo chi è stato?” (do we know who did it?” Hunter asks, trying to stay composed. Noah shakes his head as he takes a deep breath. “Madre e padre sono in una casa sicura in questo momento.” (Mother and father are in a safe home right now) Noah picks up his glass and also takes a sip.

Hunter nods as he goes to get his phone, once he comes back he sits it on the table. “Il mio telefono era morto” (my phone was dead) he sighs. “I guess that’s why our men message me since they couldn’t get in touch with you.” Noah starts to eat as well as he glances at Leah and Amber who were lost in their own world and talking about what movies they will watch first. 

"These fuckers will pay....'the bloodstone brothers thought.

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