Home Sweet Home

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"Do you suppose the train will come anytime soon?" Thomas paused before looking to the old lady on his left. They had been waiting since 4 for the evening train to come but had received no luck. "I'm sure the train will be here very soon, we needn't wait much longer." He replied, giving her a smile as he spoke.

 Sounds of muffled cries entered his mind as people pushed alongside each other in hopes of getting the best spot upon the train's arrival, Its loud engine giving away its location. His jet black hair rested upon his broad shoulders as he clutched his bag and made his way to the door of the train, slying squeezing himself in, and taking a seat. Taking in a deep breath, his mind began to wonder about what everything was going to be like. He hadn't been home since he was a teenager and wondered if much had changed. 

"Would you like anything to eat? Maybe some wine?" asked one of the attendants, causing him to turn his gaze toward him before declining and grabbing the newspaper he had read at the station to keep himself occupied. As he read, his attention slowly turned to the scene outside. He watched as the train sped past a patch of green grass, occupied by two people as they laughed and gazed onto the lake that was in front of them, its water shining as the sun bounced off of it. He smiled at the sight of the peaceful life in front of him, which was the total opposite of the city he had just come from. But alas, the length of the journey was too much for his body to bear and he soon found himself dozing off quietly, with his head resting gently on the window.

*a couple of hours later*

Thomas gasped as his eyes opened wildly. The student jerk of the train stopping has caused him to fall forward and into the next seat, but luckily he had been alone. Taking a small glance outside, he quickly fixed his clothes and reached for his luggage, making sure he had gotten everything before exiting and walking down the hallway. The sound of people reconnecting with missed family filled the platform as he anxiously waited to see his parents. His eyes wildly wandered around before they stopped on someone and a huge smile filled his face.

"Mom!" He exclaimed, lifting up his hand and waving it around as he watched his mother's face when she had finally seen him. He could feel a small lump in his throat as he struggled to hold back his tears, wasting no time as he quickly ran over to her. He couldn't help but exclaim as his mother's arms held him tightly as she struggled to not sob. She quickly pulled away and took a long look at her son, tilting her head as she struggled to keep it all in.

"Mom, I've missed you so much you have no idea!" He said while taking a deep breath in hopes of calming down. "I missed dad too, where is he?" His body moved around as he began to search for his father.

"Oh, your father's at home, he had a terrible accident, but I know he would have loved to be here." His mother said, her eyes trailing off as the thought entered her mind.

"We'll talk more on the way home, let's go to the car," Thomas said, putting his hand over her shoulder and walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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