The One Bed Trope - Nikki Sixx

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(A/N: Nikki x fem reader, enemies, one bed trope)

You lugged your suitcase off the tour bus as well as Doc's. Why he couldn't do it himself, you didn't know.

One thing you had learned in your short time as Doc's assistant was what he lacked in chivalry he made up for with arrogance.

You had only been Doc's assistant for two weeks, and you were already on tour with his biggest client, Mötley Crüe.

You'd never met a group as rowdy and obnoxious as Mötley Crüe, and you were seriously starting to question why you took the job in the first place.

Tommy was a doorknob, Vince was a dog, and Nikki was plain mean; the only one you could tolerate in the band was Mick, and he still kind of weirded you out.

Mick must have noticed your struggle. "Need help with that?" he asked pointing to one of the suitcases.

"Yes, please." You graciously accepted his offer of help.

He nodded and unburdened you one suitcase. You were so grateful that he was semi-sane.

You and the rest of the Crüe gathered outside the ill lit hotel. Doc still hadn't arrived (much to your displeasure, you got saddled riding with the boys in their tour bus while Doc and the rest of the managerial team rode in a separate bus). By that point, you had become a glorified babysitter. 

"So where's Doc?" Tommy asked.

"He should be getting here soon," you reassured. You caught Nikki glaring at you in your periphery.  You couldn't understand why he hated you so much, but ever since you two met, it was like he couldn't physically bare to be around you.

Doc introduced you two at a party a few weeks ago, and to put it gently, you had never met a person that had made a worse first impression than Nikki Sixx.

Doc walked away from you and Nikki, so you two could get acquainted; Doc wanted you to meet all the of the Crüe, as you'd be spending a lot of time with them from that point on.

His raven hair was messy and he was wearing a leather jacket. He stared at you unimpressed, then took a swig of the beer he was nursing.

"It's so nice to meet you," You nervously said.

He nodded, and took a drag of the cigarette he held in his other hand.

"Um, so I'm excited to work with you all. It should be a great learning opp--"

He interrupted me. "Hey... what was your name again?"


"Right, Y/N. I kind of live by the motto, if you don't have anything important to say, why say it."

You were momentarily stunned, speechless. Was he for real? you thought.

You took a sip of your beer and shot him a glare. Asshole. "I was just trying to make conversation."

"You know, you didn't have to get hired as Doc's assistant just to be a groupie babe."

You bit your tongue. Who the hell does he think he is?

Ten Seconds to Paradise City (Mötley Crüe and Guns N' Roses one shots)Where stories live. Discover now