Chapter 30 - Thick as you are, pay attention

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28 weeks

"Why not?"


"Nothing will happen, Father; I assure you. And even though I don't believe Thor and I require their aid, the Warriors Three shall accompany us. There is no need to fear for our safety."

Thor watched the argument ensuing between the Allfather and his youngest brother with wary eyes. Thus far, Baldur's newest strategy of appealing to their parents in the middle of the night when they should all be enjoying sleep was failing. The Queen, standing quietly at her husband's side, met his concerned look, her lips pressed into a thin line. She was thinking the same thing; if Baldur kept pushing the matter, this would not end well. 

"You cannot deny me my passage to manhood!" Baldur clenched his fists. "Every young warrior in Asgard has already gone on some grand adventure, returning in triumph. Why must you refuse me mine?"

"I do not refuse you your quest, Baldur," said Odin, anger contained. "I am sparing you from the same mistakes your brothers made in their youth."

His eye flashed to Thor, who cast his gaze down. Though the people of Asgard had long forgotten about the incident, the Allfather made sure both Thor and Loki yet remembered what their actions brought on. It had been their first taste of raw power and their first introduction to the genuine danger of the threat of war. Loki, in particular, had suffered in those days. If only that witch hadn't made it worse...

"But that is exactly why we must go!" insisted Baldur. "I must be given a chance to prove I shall not make these mistakes. And Thor must be given every chance to redeem himself, as he rightfully deserves."

Odin's look intensified, and Thor groaned silently. Why, oh why, had he told Baldur about what happened all those years ago? 

"The mistakes of the past have already been forgiven," Frigga spoke before Odin could. "We all vowed to leave it to rest. The Twilight Sword must never be retrieved. By anyone."

"I know I can't bring it back; I'm not an idiot. I would never bring it near Sigyn. She could undoubtedly kill us all with that Sword."

Thor's head shot up upon hearing those carelessly spoken words. Not in all his years had he ever seen his mother's expression as it stood now. Her eyes shot a threatening glare at her young, foolish son. It was fortunate indeed that Loki was not present. He would have attacked Baldur in a heartbeat for that wild accusation; consequences be damned.

"Never speak of your sister in such a way again. Sigyn has the love of the people and us, her family. And we have hers. Do well to remember that, Baldur." Frigga turned to her husband. "The matter is settled in my eyes. I do not condone, nor bless, this folly. I trust you share my sentiment, dear husband, and thus leave the final decision to you as the Allfather. Good night."

With one last condemning look at her sons, the Queen departed from the throne room through the back corridors, reserved for the private use of the royal family. Thor hoped this would be it. He hoped Baldur would finally realise it was futile to appeal further and relent. But, of course...

"I am a Prince of Asgard; why can I never do what I want?" Baldur clamoured indignantly as he dashed forward.

Damn, thought Thor miserably. Why did I allow him to become this... petulant child? Surely I was never as such?

He tried to make Baldur step back by putting a firm hand on his shoulder, but he stubbornly stayed in place, shrugging Thor off. The princeling only had eyes for his father, sitting high and mighty, fingers clenched around his grand sceptre.

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