Chapter 23

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When Kenny said he was going to take him to some place fun, he had no idea that he would take him to an arcade. It had been a while since he had been to one, not since he was child, when his mother took him to one for his birthday. Him and Kenny end up playing some old arcade game, Street Fighter. Dean doesn't remember how to play but he tries his best at it. After a while of playing it, he gets annoyed, due to losing so much.

"Dude, you really suck at this." Kenny comments.

"Hey," Dean replies. "It's been years since I've played this game. I can't remember how."

"You like wrestling, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You ever played the games?"

"No, I haven't. Not really into video games."

"Damn," Kenny laughs. "So that means if I challenged you to wrestle a match with me on one, you would lose."

"Man, whatever. There are other things I'm good at. I bet in real life, if we wrestled, that you could never beat me."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Oh yeah. I would fuck you up."

"Please. Don't get too ahead of yourself."

"I'm not. I just know that I would be better than you."

"Don't know about that now."

By the time they leave the arcade, it is five in the afternoon. The two of them decide to get something to eat, so they go to a fast-food restaurant. They sit at the table, eating their food and chit chatting some more.

"So, I wanna ask you something." Kenny starts.


"What kind of match would you want to have between us? In real life."

Dean thinks for a moment, while chewing on his fries. "Would you be up for a death match? Yeah, that would be cool. With lots of barbed wire, glass, thumbtacks, weapons. The good shit."

"So you expect me to go up against you with all that insane shit?"

Dean smirks at him. "What? You scared? Too scared to get all bloodied up?"

"No way! I'm not scared...Just...If I was a wrestler I don't know if I could picture myself doing that. I guess I wouldn't say no to it, because I'm not one to back down from a challenge."

"Hmm...How about we make things a bit more interesting..."


"We could make it an exploding barbed wire death match!"

"Are you fucking serious?! Do you know how dangerous that could be?!"

Dean laughed at the expression on Kenny's face. He had to admit, that he was having a pretty good time with him. At first he was nervous, because he was still getting know him and it was hardly ever that he made friends with people that he didn't trust well enough. When he first met him, he thought that he was going to turn out be just like his tormentors, just another asshole that he would hate. He realizes now though that he was wrong about him. He was a very friendly guy and he found that he liked talking to him, especially about things that would probably never happen, like wrestling each other.

In the back of his mind, that need to go and see Roman was still nagging at him. He still wanted to go and check up on him so much, longed to be close to him, to comfort him in his own way. He just didn't know what kind of reaction he would get if he was to go back home tonight. Would Roman be happy to see him? Or would he be angry with him for coming back too soon? Of course, hanging out with Kenny today was helping him not to worry so much but he still couldn't help but to wonder how Roman was doing and whether it would be alright for him to go see him tonight.

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