Questions & Answers

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Jasper awoke on a brisk Sunday morning, having dozed off on the couch the previous night.

Trying to understand his heart had given him somewhat of an emotional hangover, and he needed someone to help him figure things out. He pulled out his phone and began to message Nam-Joon

"Hyung, remember when you suggested I look for a relationship? Well, turns out my heart has been on the move, and I need help!"

"Let's meet up at the Café near the office and chat together, Does 10:30 am work?" Nam-Joon responded.

"That works!". Jasper quickly responded.

The two met up in the café near the pledis building and sat at a table near the window. The aged brick walls with pipes sporadically popped out across the ceiling paired with the busy sound of cars, and people almost felt reminiscent of Brooklyn to Jasper.

He stared down at his coffee deep in thought about how he would bring Nam-Joon into his process. He took a deep breath and spoke.

"So, I've been spending a lot of time with this girl lately, and after tossing and turning last night, I realised that I have feelings for her."

"You and hayoung have gone through a lot together in such a short time. It makes sense that you would have developed some closeness towards her," Nam-Joon said, smiling

Jasper sat up, caught off guard by Nam-Joons statement

"Wow, that obvious, huh?" Jasper said, scratching his head and chuckling.

"It's not too hard to see that you both have been closer lately, and of course, it helps that I'm also super observant as a person," Nam-Joon said with a slight enthusiasm.

"At first, I was just looking out for her, but without even knowing, my heart was developing feelings for her." Jasper said, looking out the window

"That's usually how it goes if you're not paying attention to your heart. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the waves of life that we forget to stop and listen to the voice inside us." Nam-joon said, following Jasper's gaze out the window.

"True," Jasper said, turning his attention back to the table in front of him. "I've been going solo for so long. I forgot what it's like to feel and decipher my emotions." Jasper said, grasping his empty coffee cup.

The two of them spent the next hour talking about Jasper's process towards understanding his feelings and what to do about them.

"The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and with Hayoung. You need to tell her and get it off your chest if you're both going to move forward." Nam-Joon said, nodding his head

"But Hyung, what if I misunderstood and she doesn't have feelings for me?." Jasper said, concerned.

Nam-Joon stood up and placed his hand on Jasper's shoulder. "It's scary, but the only way to find out is to confess." He smiled down at Jasper."Hwaiting!" He said, raising his hand before leaving the café.

Jasper grabbed his things and headed to the building. His days usually started later on Sundays, but his conversation with Nam-Joon had been long enough to get him close to work hours.


Earlier that morning, Hayoung sat at the dining table in her dorm, looking down at her journal that was covered in little scribbles of manifest thought. She had spent the night wrestling with her feelings towards Jasper and how she was going to move forward and had come no closer to figuring it out.

Saerom came down the stairs and noticed the look of distress on Hayoung's face. She approached the table where Hayoung sat, eyes pierced on the messy pages laid before her.

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