Chapter 3 the plan

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"The plan is to build-" "no." "you didn't even let me finish" "what's building a wall gonna do?" "it's going to keep Putin out of America." "THAT ISN'T GONNA HELP UKRAINE NOR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER" "not to mention your "plan" has a hell ton of flaws." "what flaws?!" "well for starters, it has nothing to do with helping anyone, it'll take too much time to build, you're only avoiding the problem and not doing anything about it, and finally it's just a stupid idea." "ALRIGHT THEN FINE, SINCE YOU'RE SOOOOOO SMART WHAT'S YOUR IDEA HUH?" "I don't have one." "then why turn mine down?" "I LITERALLY GAVE YOU A LIST ON WHY I TURNED YOUR IDEA DOWN!" "Jesus, no need to yell" "fuck off."
"Is that any way to talk to your superior? ~" "superior?! I'm sorry, who's the one who lost the election? Because it sure as hell wasn't me." "don't play hard to get now~" "oh Jesus Christ, now I know what's going on. Fine just because you seem desperate for attention by someone." "good boy~" "oh god."

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