Chapter 4 Making America great again

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Trump pushed Biden into the office chair and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Aren't you too old for this?" "shut up and be quiet" "fine." Trump took off his and Biden's clothes off. (That seems to be the main method in these fanfics-) "what are you doing step bro?" "don't ruin this for me, Biden" "I'll ruin whatever the fuck I want" Trump showed his one pixle sized cock and slowly put it inside of Biden. "Can't you go a little faster and get this over with?" "Hush up baby" "Please do not call me that" Trump was thrusting into Biden for God knows how long, it seemed like forever for Biden. Biden actually fell asleep during this process until the unusual happend... Trump came inside of Biden which woke the president up. "Huh?! What the hell is that?!" "you did so good baby" "oh Jeez now I remember, see I told you that you were to old for this all I can feel is powered milk." Trump ignored Biden, considering he was the bottom in this situation and proceeded to sit on Biden's lap. He then started to kiss him. "Oh my god- do you- even use- chapstick?! Or at least- brush your- God damn- teeth?!" Biden said in between kisses, Trump's mouth disgusted Biden. "Why does it have to be me?" Biden thought to himself.

About ten minutes later that door opened, revealing a once innocent soul. "Grandpa are you okay, you've guys have been talking for 2 hours-" Hunter was not only traumatized by what he saw, but he was questioning the purpose of life if all it brought was pain. "JESUS CHRIST HUNTER, EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!" the boy was too stunned to speak. "You see this is why you need to build a wall" "a wall where?!" "where the door is, so people can't come into this room" "that defeats the purpose of the fucking door, dipshit." Hunter left the room, he was heading outside to cry in a bush.

Make America great again (Joe Biden x Donald trump Where stories live. Discover now