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 The rain pelted coldly onto the cement ground, it showed no signs of letting up. The temperatures change from day to night in Shibuya was uncharacteristically drastic. Two silhouettes sped through the busy streets towards the hospital.

The most damage Mikey had taken this night was the soon-to-be blisters on his foot from wearing sandals. Although Hanma did sap a bit of his stamina, he came out unscathed. Looking back at it, his choice of footwear was definitely an amateur mistake.

Aside from the muted burning sensation of his feet, the secondary source of heat was Chihaya in his passenger seat. It's been a long time since he let anyone else on his beloved ride, but this was an exceptional situation. Mikey felt the girl sitting behind him tighten her grip around his waist as he speeds up even more, but she didn't complain about him going well over the speed limit.

He had so many questions he wanted to ask her, but to his surprise, she opened her mouth first. "Mikey, are you ok?"

Words of guilt and self-hatred ran through his head without ever coming out. He had so much to say, but no way to say it. Mikey could only grit his teeth and tighten his grip on his beloved ride. How could Toman's captain be weak in front of a girl?

"I'm fine, that tall bastard is pretty weak," he managed to squeeze out.

He swore he could hear her eye roll. "You know that's not what I'm asking."

Mikey was about to answer, but the red stoplight made him hold his tongue. He braked right away but thanks to the speed they were going and the unfortunate weather, they skid quite a few meters.

In that split second, she was ever so grateful the blond tossed her the helmet. Chihaya's nose crashed into his back, making her eyes water. Her hands lost their grip and slipped forward, causing her to nearly fly off the bike.

The awkward displacement of her hands momentarily distracted him from his anxiety. Mikey wasn't as mad at the red light as he should've thanks to her comedic relief. Chihaya's expression was the most pitiful she's ever been as she rubbed her red nose.

"What the fuck! You didn't have to go that far just because you didn't want to answer..."

And that somehow made him laugh.

That's right, he hung out with his Toman members, Emma, and Chihaya. They stall hopped, ate some candy, and horsed around. Today was just another normal day.

So Draken will definitely pull through.

"He was fine in the ambulance, I'm sure the surgery will be a success!"

Those were the words Mikey had overheard once he had finally made it to the hospital. He and his passenger, Chihaya, were amongst the last to arrive.

The updates relayed to her from Souta said that his stab wound wasn't too deep, the blood loss was also moderate. Given that the ambulance arrived on time and first aid was prompt, the chance of death was near zero.

She relayed that information to her chauffeur, who didn't look convinced. Even knowing the facts from a medical practitioner, Mikey was still insanely terrified of losing his best friend. He put on his usual confident facade and walked towards the small group, "Keep it down, we're in a hospital. Where's the waiting room?"

After the directions, he arrived in front of the emergency room. In front of it was a sobbing Emma and Hina, trying to comfort her. He patted his sister's shoulder reassuringly as if he was reassuring himself as well.

Lastly, Mikey sat down on the waiting bench with a forced smile plastered on his face.

Chihaya was probably the only one who saw just how close he was to breaking down. On the shoulders of the teen was not just the responsibility that tied him down as Toman's leader, but also his best friend's life.

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