Chapter 4

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DEAN'S POV - It was around 2 in the afternoon, and like always I was always sulking if we had nothing else to do. I really wanted to apologize to Rory about what happened last night this morning. I gave myself a bonus for actually walking up to her door. I knew she was up, I heard the tv on and she always shuts it off when she goes to bed: day or night. It didn't matter. But I couldn't knock on her door. I wanted to, I wanted to apologize for everything I had said. I walked back to my room, leaving my door open, and sat at the edge of my bed with my hands over my head. I heard a soft knock at my door and I looked up and saw Rory standing. "Hi. Can I talk to you?" she said, loitering by my doorway. I just stared for a second before I actually realized I was staring. "Hey sure yeah come on in." She walked in and sat at the chair next to my bed. She waited a moment before speaking. "I'm sorry, Dean, I'm so sorry. I didn't really mean any of the stuff I said last night. I was just angry. I know you still don't trust me nor have I given you a reason to do so. To both of you, I just sort of appeared one day. I get it...I do. But I would never do anything to hurt you or put you in danger." She said looking down at her fingers. I could tell she meant every word she said. "Rory, I should be apologizing to you. I'm so sorry for everything I said to you, not even last night, since I met you. It can't be easy taking in all these changes and I haven't been making the process any easier. I know I've been a dick and from now on I promise I don't handle my emotions very well." I told her, rubbing the back of my neck. I hoped that she could tell that I had also meant every word I said. She gave me a small smile, "yeah you really don't." and left. I could hear her heading downstairs. After a few minutes, I followed her. She was the only one done here, and she was sitting on the couch reading a book. "Hey, you want something to eat? Or a drink maybe?" I asked her with a smile. It felt so much better, now that I wasn't hiding behind my anger. "No I'm okay, but thank you." She responded, also smiling. Sam came down the stairs and headed to the fridge for a beer. I sat down on the couch next to her, "So what are you reading?" I asked even though I could see the cover. I had never heard of it. "Verity by Colleen Hoover, It's a really good book. If you ever get any free time I recommend reading it. I can lend it to you too." She told me, still buried in her book. I could feel the weird looks radiating off of Sam. "I might take you up on that offer." I told her. I moved my hand in front of her book to see if she would see me but nothing. She was lost in her reading. "Hey Dean, can I talk to you for a minute?" Still looking at Rory, I responded "Yeah sure." I got up and followed him out the front door.

"What the hell happened?" Sam said, getting straight to the point. "What? So you're mad we're fighting, and you're mad we are talking? Wait until Cas gets back from heaven and let him hear how crazy you sound." I said, rolling my eyes at him. "Dean, I'm sorry but what changed? 2 weeks ago you guaranteed that she was probably going to die anyway?" He said, visibly concerned. "Yeah well we she tried to apologize and I told her that I hadn't been very easy on her with all the changes going on. So I think we're cool now." I was about to walk back in the house, before I turned to Sam and said, "Don't say anything about that either."

*About 2 weeks ago*- SAM'S POV Rory was upstairs sleeping, meanwhile Dean, Cas and me are downstairs doing research trying to find out information on Azazel. "Dean, why do you treat Rory like she's a demon?" I say, after an hour of researching. Dean huffed, "I don't treat her like a demon." I gave him a face telling him that he's wrong. "I think it's because he has feelings for her and doesn't want her to know. So instead of accepting his feelings, he's pushing them away. It's a very common human thing. I don't know why they do it, it ruins relationships." Cas spoke, looking up from a book. "Hey, we're not in a relationship." Dean said, pointing at Cas. "Friendships are a form of relationships. Solely for the fact that your mind went there tells us all we need to know." I said.

Dean stood up and said, "Look you're all wrong. I don't have feelings for her. She's just another case and quite frankly. She's probably going to die anyway. Are you kidding me? She's a freaking Nephilim." Dean said getting pissed off, how dare we tell him the truth. He's going to drive this girl away and he'll be the real reason the world gets destroyed. Even after what he said, I can tell that he cares about her. "Dean, you're being too obvious about your feelings. Even with everything you just said. You obviously care about what might happen to her, and if you didn't. You would've killed her by now." Cas spoke, still reading his book now. Dean stormed off to the kitchen for a beer. Which is usually what he does when he's mad and knows we're right. I laughed to myself before continuing my chapter about the king of hell.

*PRESENT* *DEAN'S POV* - "So what, you guys are best friends now?" Sam said, joking around. "Haha, very funny." I said, sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him and walked back into the house. Cas was already sitting on the couch and Rory had left. "I was waiting for you to finish talking to Sam." He said as Sam walked in, "I don't know much new information on Azazel but it's imperative that he doesn't get his hands on Rory. What's going on?" He said, gesturing to me and Sam. Sam explains everything we talked about, right by the front door. "I'm glad you could finally admit your feelings towards R-" I cut him off as I saw Rory coming down the stairs. "Admit who's feelings for who?" She said, with a new book in her hands. "Oh Just Ross's feelings towards Rachel. Oh Man they were in denial for so long." I said chuckling, while rubbing the back of my neck. I felt that I made it too obvious but thankfully, I don't think she caught on that it wasn't about a show. "You don't seem like the type to watch Friends." She said, laughing. Cas was just confused and Sam started laughing. "Well there's a lot, you don't know about me." I said simply. "Cas, a word?" I said, walking towards the kitchen. He nodded and followed me. "I did not tell her anything about anything. The only thing that changed is that I'm not angry at her. Maybe friends, but I don't know." I started saying. "Dean, these feelings are eating away at you, you need to say something." Cas started to argue. "Then let them eat at me. You don't get to make that decision for me. Do you understand?" I said, gritting my teeth. "I understand Dean." He responded before walking away. I highly doubted he truly understood but I hoped he didn't say anything anyway.

RORY'S POV - I had gone back upstairs to get a new book because I had finished Verity. Since I was still in my Colleen Hoover craze, I grabbed It Ends With Us. This would be the second time I read this book. I was so glad that Dean and I had talked. It hadn't been that long since the conversation and there were already significant differences in our relationship. Although, it was easier to hide my feelings when he was angry at me. I would need to try harder so that he didn't find out. I walked downstairs and heard Cas speaking with Sam and Dean. "I'm glad you could admit your feelings towards R- '' Dean had cut him off. He was being more awkward than usual. Now I wasn't the type to get caught up in my feelings, I had hoped that maybe he was talking about me but I highly doubted that. "Admit who's feelings for who?" I said. "Oh Just Ross's feelings towards Rachel. Oh Man they were in denial for so long." He said, chuckling, while rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, you don't seem like the type to watch Friends?" I said chuckling, hoping that I didn't make it too obvious that I was a little disappointed. I was pretty sure Sam had noticed. Dean and Cas went to the kitchen to talk about something, I just kind of assumed it was about Azazel. It was just Sam and me, great. I liked Sam but I knew he was going to ask about it. "You have feelings for him, don't you?" He said, sitting down next to me. I had planned to deny anything I felt for Dean. "I don't." I said, opening my book. I heard him snickering. "What?" I said, chuckling. "It's just...," He said starting to laugh, "you're just a really bad lair." He finished, then left the room. He didn't seem like the type of person to out me out to Dean about my feelings so that gave me some hope. Maybe I could talk to Cas about it. He doesn't seem like he'd out me either.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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