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She got up from where she was laying down and took a shower. She got dressed, headed down on an empty stomach, and got in her Range rover. She headed out to her sister's house. She was thinking of buying a G wagon soon. Not because she needed it but because she wanted it. She just liked the car and she didn't mind having one in her garage. Her phone rang and she looked at it. She plugged in her earphones

"Hey Wanda"
"Dy, you did wake up on the right side of the bed. Good morning"
"Morning Wanda. I just called to thank you for coming yesterday and to check on you if you were good. I called last night but I guess you were asleep already so I called again this morning or should I say afternoon"
"Oh, that is so considerate of you. Thank you"
"You are welcome"
"How are Gabriel and Val doing?"
"I don't know really but I think they went out. The house is pretty silent"
"Aren't you supposed to be at the launching of the new military base you designed?"
"How did you know about that?" Dylan asked, shocked
"I am a journalist. I know a lot of things"
"Fair point. Well, it doesn't start until four in the evening and I have nobody to go with so I don't think I can go or I don't think I want to go either"
"It doesn't matter. You contributed to the project. I really think you should be there for the ceremony. You don't necessarily have to stay till the end really"

He sighed. Was she giving him advice?

"Alright then. I should probably go get ready. Would you like to come with me?"
"To the launching? I can't. I would have loved to but I am on my way to Helen's place. I need to go pick up Tracy and Tristan"
"Who is that?"
"My sister's kids. They are going to be staying with me for a while"
"Oh, no problem. Have fun"
"I would try to. Give me a call and let me know how the ceremony goes later on at night"
"I definitely will"

He said as he hung up. She smiled. Why did she want to know though? It could make up a juicy story for her blog maybe but she knew it was more than that and that reason was just a cover-up, nothing more. She was interested in what interested him. She wanted to know what went on in his life. She wanted to be a part of it again. She knew she was not supposed to, not after what he did to her but maybe it was time to actually forgive him and let go of everything. She pulled up at Helen's place and went in. The house was so busy. Everybody was trying to pack up, Wally was crying and Tracy and Tristan were arguing again. Wanda disposed all the thoughts of having kids if she had to go through all of these. She went in and walked straight to the loudest noise, Wally. She carried him and started to rock him. He became quieter. She figured that most times, what he needed was just someone's attention. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She took back the thought of not having a baby. She was definitely going to have one. They were lovable creatures

"I knew it could only be you"

Helen said as she hugged her sister. It felt so good to see her again. Wanda was one helping hand

"Are you sure you don't want me to take care of Wally while you're gone?" Wanda asked
"Richard wouldn't let me leave him behind and you have work, remember?"
"I could ask for a one-week leave"
"Not in my life would I let you forfeit three months just for one week. Richard and I can handle Wally"
"If you say so then. How is the packing coming up and why does it look like you're packing for the entire year? You're just going for a week"
"I know but I could need anything and it is better I pack all I need"

Wanda knew her sister. If she could overdo anything, it had to be packing for a trip.

"Whatever you say, Helen. When are you leaving?"
"We are leaving home by six. We would all leave home together. I and Richard would order a ride and you can take Tracy and Tristan"
"How are they? I mean with you and Richard leaving?"
"At first, they weren't so happy about it but when they heard that they were going to be staying at your place, they were almost pushing us out of the door"

Helen said and they both laughed. Helen looked at her sister. She looked stressed and tired

"Are you sure you're okay Wanda?"
"I think so, I guess so. I am just really tired. I went to see Dad and he hasn't called back yet to send an account number or ask for anything"
"Wanda. I know you want to help and all but dad thinks he is already too far gone and it would be a waste of money, time, and resources to get treatment now"
"It is my money Helen, I can waste it in whatever way I want to"
"Well, dad doesn't think that way"
"So basically, we are supposed to start mourning him before he even dies?"
"I don't think anybody should mourn him just yet. I think miracles still happen and if it doesn't, we should all just try to spend as much time as possible with him while we can and we should just make him comfortable"
"He is just fifty-six. He is way too young to be talking about death. You're just thirty-six. That is way too young to be without a father"
"He gave birth to his first daughter at Twenty. Who's fault is that? You were without a father right from the time you were eighteen, turning nineteen. I think we would get used to it eventually"

Helen said. It sounded like she had given up

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