Ally 11 Running off

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I was waiting in the Stella's office, she told me to wait here while she went to get her uncle. It was very amazing in here. A way to describe it would be a bubble gum diamond, pop music paradise. I don't know some on the lines of that.

"Hello Ally, you ready to meet my client?" Michel asked when he and Stella walked in.

I nodded my head, "Yes sir." I say.

"Alright, you can go right a head to the third door down the hall to the left. Stella and I really need to talk about a tour with another client. We'll be gone for about thirty minutes. You can get to know each other, but I really want you guys to start working on some songs, time is money." he explained to me.

"Will do." I say, I grab my bag and start walking down the hall.

I was a little nervous, who was this person I was going to meet! What if he's some one completely amazing, like a really big star. Or some one so new I would have no idea who he, or she is.

I walked up to the third door from the left, I took a breath and walked in.

But when I did, it was just a supply closet. I guess it was the other way down the hall. I said goodbye to the broom and walked in the direction I had come from.

I ran back into Stella who was just leaving her office, "Ally what are you doing out here?" she asked with her cool accent.

I looked down embarrassed, "I accidentally went down the hall in the other way."

"Oh you're so cute. You have that whole innocent look." she laughs,/

Innocent? No one has called me that in a really long time. Mainly cause no one now believes I am a bit innocent, I don't think so either.

"Well get down to the right side of the hallway and get to work." she says.

"Yeah, sorry." I say walking to right side this time.

I get to the door, and I'm feeling knots in my stomach again. Don't freak out, I tell myself. You're calm, cool, nothing scares you. That's right, nothing cam scare me, cause I don't have fears. It's just some one new, doesn't know any thing about you.

Just be like hey I'm Ally, awesome working with you. Okay I got this.

I open the door with my calm hand and swiftly walk in.

I'm just there looking, I can't help but just stand there. I don't know what to do. I've thought about this before, what to do in a situation like this. But I couldn't move. It was as if every nerve inside of me was frozen.

Do some thing!

I couldn't process what was going on, I knew what was happening. But it was to unreal. I could feel my face was burning, and my heart wanted to explode and my head was screaming. I felt my eyes starting to tear up. Why would they!

I took steps back to the door, and ran out.


I could hear his voice from the middle of the hallway. That's when I did break down. When the tears started to race down my cheek. When it hurt again in my heart.

I didn't know what to do, I found the nearest closet and locked myself in in. I know how pathetic am I. For a few months I have been strong as I possibly could. Now here he comes back into my life and I'm breaking apart.

No, he can't do that to me. I won't let it. Austin Moon is the past I don't to go back to. Not the way it was before. If I have to keep writing songs for him fine, but that's it. I have my life too, I shouldn't let sill little Austin Moon destroy it. After all before me, he wasn't any thing.

Austin and Ally FF (Fixing the Melodies)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz