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Story and Artwork belong to Sonicthefox24 on Deviantart. The story will be in his words.


Everest and Prince were exploring the woods one night, trying to find a missing baby wolf pup. "Where could it be?" Everest wondered, looking up at her larger friend.

"Little pups like that one can't have gotten too far. Let's check the forest clearing near here." Prince suggested, looking down at Everest.

The two entered the clearing and sighed, not seeing the little pup anywhere. Everest sits down with distraught expression. "I'm exhausted. We've been looking for it all night!" She whimpered. Prince looked over his friend and frowned, looking up at the sky. He smiled and sat down next to her.

"Hey, look up there." He said, pointing at the moon. Everest did so, but titled her head.

"What am I looking for?" She asked.

"See that moon? It shines over all of us, bathing us it's moonlight. It comforts us, guides us and is a wolf's beacon of hope." Prince stated.

"How so?" Everest asked.

"It reminds us of the light that shines in the darkness of our heart. No matter how deep in darkness we wolves go, we can always look up at the moon and be reminded of the light in our hearts, wishing to find the joy in life every day." Prince stated.

"Wow, I never realized wolves thought that about the moon." Everest admitted, looking at her friend.

"It's a secret of the wolves." He said with a wink.

"So... why do you howl at the moon?" Everest wondered.

"Howling is a source of communication, for as you know, most wolves can't speak human language like me. So we communicate through howling. When we howl to the moon, we're talking to whoever created the moon and it's brilliant light. Howling at the moon, always gets us excited to speak with that individual. We can freely tell them what's on our hearts and they listen and we soon feel peace wash over us and are able to sleep peacefully for the night." Prince said with a smile.

"Who created the moon?" Everest wondered.

"Don't truly know myself, but it's instinctual to us wolves on knowing that about them moon. We don't question it, we just enjoy it and the peace if brings." Prince responds.

Everest then points at the stars. "You see those stars and the way they are lined up?" She asked.

Prince looked up and nodded. "What about it?"

"Look, they form the shape of a dipping spoon." She said as Prince smiled wide.

"Oh! I see it! That's cool!" He exclaimed, wagging his tail.

"It's called the big dipper. It's a constellation. There are lots of those up in the sky. I'll show you them with our telescope back at the cabin." She said with Prince gleefully smiling.

"Yeah! Sounds great, but first we need to find that pup. I almost forgot, that was one of the reasons I brought that story up. We can howl to the moon and get the pup's attention. It may howl in response." Prince said as Everest nodded.

"Let's do it. They both began to howl up at the moon. They both felt the peace wash over them that Prince mentioned and soon, their ears' perk upon hearing a cute howl. They both stopped, nodded at each other and dash in the direction of the little howl.

The End


He did an awesome job making all this for me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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