An introduction

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The last of the students that were in the classroom flew out of the portal and onto the carpeted floor.

"Where are we?" Ojiro asked, using his arm to push himself off of the floor.

"A movie theater, I think. But why?" Sero asked, getting up from the floor and brushing his knees off.

Aoyama starts standing up and taking in his surroundings. He looks to his right and notices a humongous screen. He then looks to his left and notices many rows of seats, with stairs at the end of the rows. At least five hundred people could sit up there. There was also a giant door on the left wall. However, he noticed something else as well.

"Mon amies, You're alright!" He shouts, looking at the seats in the theater.

Those who were on the carpeted floor turned their heads to the left and faced the rows and rows of seats.

"Hey Everyone! Yup, me and Bakubro are alright!" Kirishima exclaims, smiling down at him. He is standing in the third row.

A scream was heard behind Aoyama before the person yelled "Why are their villains here?!"

"Please calm down, they are not a threat. They cannot use their quirks. Neither can we matter of fact," "Bakugou" says, sitting in the front row straight up with his hands folded on his lap.

"How are you calm?! Shouldn't you want to fight them?!" Mineta yells.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot fight unless my master or someone who my master trust orders me to," "Bakugou" says, bowing in his seat before sitting back up.

"Wha-" Mineta stammered before being interrupted by a loud thud from behind him.

"Oh my god, bro! Are you okay?!"  Kirishima yells from the third row of seats before running out of that row and down the stairs.

Aoyama turns around while asking a loud "What are you-," before looking down and seeing a person trying to get up. He immediately goes to help them and crouches down so he can put their arm around his shoulders. He slowly gets up with the person's arm still around his shoulders and starts to walk with them to get to the first row of seats.

"Damn it, Should have activated my quirk earlier," The person states while rubbing their head with their left hand, eyes closed.

"What happened," Aoyama asked after reaching the first row of seats and setting the person down in the first seat. Todoroki makes a small chunk of ice to use as an ice pack, wraps it in a napkin he had in his pocket, and hands it to the person. "Thank you," The person says, putting the napkin-covered ice chunk on their head.

"I don't know but I saw that girl falling from the ceiling," Kirishima says from the floor of the theater. He rushed down the second he saw the person on the ground.

"I prefer they/them," The person says.

"Shit, sorry," Kirishima says, bowing.

"It's fine, just try not to do it again. Second, as I said earlier, I wanted to make a cool entrance. So I took off a ceiling panel and started getting ready to jump, but got distracted and slipped. I accidentally went head first. I activated my quirk and that lessoned the fall a bit but still, hurts like hell now," They say.

"But why would you jump from so high up? Even if you did activate your quirk in time, you still got hurt!" Iida lectures. He also rushed down the row of seats and is currently in front of them.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Jeez, you sound like Minato. My head not feeling so bad so calm down would ya? Now let me tell you who I am and why you're here!" The person exclaims before getting up from their seat and spinning around to face their newfound audience. Still holding the ice to their head.

"You know why we're here?" Ojiro asks.

"Yes, I do! But let me tell you who I am first! I am Armani Locas!"-They say as they put their thumb to their chest-"Friends with the universe twins! And you will be meeting and reacting to different AU's of our favorite curse master, Bakugou Katsuki!" Armani exclaims.

There was an awkward silence before Shoji spoke up, "Different AUs?"

"And who are the Universe twins?" Ojiro asked.

Armani looks at Shoji in the crowd and says, "Sorry Ojiro, I can't tell you that right now. Yes, Shoji, different AUs. AU stands for alternative universe. It's like a "What if" scenario happens but in a different universe."

"Still a little confused, sorry," Kirishima says, putting his hand on his neck.

"It's fine. Let's use Midoriya and Bakugou as an example. In this universe they became friends. They're working with one another to become good friends. That's in this universe. However, in an alternative universe, that is not the case. In another universe, Bakugou and Midoriya despise each other and want to see the other's downfall. That is an AU," Armani states.

"Oh, I think I get it," Kirishima says.p

"I'm glad you understand," "Bakugou" says.

"Ah, Puppetie!" Armani shouts, smiling brightly before running up to hug Puppetie. They wrap their arms around his neck and puts their head on his shoulder.

Puppetie went stiff.

"I'm sorry, but my master does not know you. May you please stop hugging me?" Puppetie asked, getting very uncomfortable.

"S-sorry," Armani says, taking their arms away from his beck and backing up. They look somber before smiling. They pull out their phone and call someone.
"Hey, Minato. You can bring the rest in now," Armani says before hanging up.

Suddenly the door on the left flew wide open.

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