Streamers (Dreamers One-Shot)

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"You're doing it wrong!"

Amy dropped the streamers she was holding.

Ferris stopped blowing balloons.

He rolled his eyes at his best friend, "What is it now?"

"You're supposed to put the streamers across each Disney cutout!"

Amy blinked, "But you said-"

"Do it!"

Ferris frowned, "Marshall, man, I know you want this to be perfect, but don't yell at her."

Marshall sighed, "Sorry," He muttered, "I really want her to like this. She thinks I've forgotten her birthday, so she's locked herself in her room with all the Disney princess movies. There are seven and she's on the third one so that doesn't give us a lot of time!"

"You've sure done your homework," Muttered Ferris, "Have you watched all seven with her-Ouch!" He glared at his girlfriend who had oh-so-subtly nudged him in the ribs.

Marshall, however, took it at a stride, "Yeah," He said, "Tangled's my favorite."

Amy grinned, "I personally think it's adorable. I wish I had somebody to watch Arrow with."

"First of all, you do have somebody to watch Arrow with. Tymeeka? You know, your best friend?"

Marshall shook his head, "As much as I enjoy listening to this little lover's quarrel, we better get back to work."

Ferris rolled his eyes, "Yes, your highness."

Marshall nodded, "That's more like it. Now get back to work."

'Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase. Hakuna-'

He pulled out my phone and pressed the accept button.

"Hello Em."

"Cinderella just got over. You sure you don't want to join me?" Gosh, she sounded so sad.

"No thanks, maybe later." It killed him to say that but hopefully her surprise would make up for it.

"But-but I'm watching Tangled next!"

"Tempting as it is, I'm going to decline. I have something I need to take care of."

"Really? What?" Damn, she sounded suspicious.

"Eh," He racked his brain, "I'm with Ferris. He and Amy are going through a bit of a rough patch."

"Oh, is he really sad?"

"Yup." He said, ignoring the murderous glances Ferris was giving him.

"He should come over and watch Disney movies with me! It'll turn his frown upside down."

"You know what," Marshall gave his best friend an evil look, "Ferris would love to go over and watch Disney movies with you."

"I'm going to kill you," Muttered Ferris.

"Great!" Emma sounded much happier, "It's no fun watching Disney movies alone!"

He chuckled, "He'll be over in a bit. Bye Em."


"That's it pretty boy, you're going to die now." Ferris said, advancing towards Marshall.

Amy rolled her eyes, "Oh, quit the dramatics and get moving."

Ferris glared at his girlfriend, "Why can't you go?"

His girlfriend smirked, "Because you're the one suffering from Breakup Blues."

This and ThatTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon