It started with that Tyler Oakley video...(Pizzeria Boy one shot)

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So this is my entry for @stereoactive's one shot competition. It's pretty late in the night, and this is pretty bad, but I just saw the video and thought, let's just do it.

I hope you enjoy reading this and thank you for writing such an awesome book, @stereoactive

"Are we really going to do this?" Joey asked, although she knew it was too late to back down.

She couldn't remember what in the world had possessed her to agree to this.

It had all started when they had seen that Tyler Oakley video on YouTube.

It was the one in which he and his friend had 20 minutes to eat as many chicken nuggets as the possibly could.

And obviously, Logan was intrigued.

So he decided they were going to give that challenge a go.

Only, they wouldn't be using chicken nuggets.

Logan had decided to go sentimental and pick the thing that had brought them together in the first place.


So there she sat on her sofa, with a mountain of pizza boxes piled onto the coffee table.

"Of course we are," Logan rolled his eyes at his girlfriend, "Unless you forfeit."

Joey glared at him, "Bring me the first pizza box."

Logan nodded, "That's the spirit!"

If looks could kill, Logan would have started to slowly choke and then fall to the floor motionless.


Logan seemed to be used to Joey's glares because he just took a camera out of his bag pack.

She blinked, "What's that for?"

"We're filming this, of course." Logan said it as though it were obvious. "What kind of Dad would I be if I don't give my kids the pleasure of watching their mother cry in agony and shame when she loses?"

Joey could feel her face turn red.

"Quiet or you won't have any kids to share the video with." She grumbled.

Logan sighed as he fixed his camera onto the tripod stand.

He walked over and sat down next to her.

"Let's do this." He yelled as he started the timer.

"You don't have to yell," Joey grumbled, "I'm right next to you."

Logan ignored her. "Hi Logan Junior and Joey Junior-"

"How do you know we'll have one boy and one girl?" Joey couldn't help but ask.

He shrugged, "Meh, Joey's a dude's name."

She hit him.

"Jesus, lady," He grumbled, "Not in front of the kids."

The timer now read 19:07.

Joey grabbed her first slice of pizza and took a large bite.

"No fair," Logan whined, "We were supposed to start together."

She took another bite.

Logan grumbled as he grabbed his own slice of pizza.

"You're mother is a cheat." He announced to the camera before biting into his slice of pizza.

Joey started her second slice.

"She's also beating me." Logan grumbled before he washed down his pizza with water.

"Mmm, pizza." Was all Joey could say.

Joey didn't breathe till her first box was over.

She looked at the timer. 13:54.

"No," She groaned, rubbing her tummy.

"Are you giving up?" Logan prodded, still eating the last slice in his first box.

"Not even close." Joey shot back before opening her second box.

Just then the door opened and then slammed shut.

"Jerry," Joey screamed, "Come have pizza."

Logan glared, "You can't do that."

She rolled her eyes, "Let's face it, we won't even finish half these boxes."

"Says you," Logan said, pouting.

Jerry came into the room, "How come you're sharing-holy moly, that's a lot of pizza."

A girl came and stood behind him, looking over his shoulder.

"Hi, Taylor!" Joey greeted, "Come have pizza."

Taylor smiled at them and waved. Jerry eyed his sister suspiciously as made his way to the sofa.

"Don't stand in front of the camera." They both yelled, making him jump.

Jerry rolled his eyes and grabbed a box of pizza.

"What, only one?" Joey frowned, "Are you trying to starve the poor girl?"

Jerry rolled his eyes as he picked up another box. "Just don't puke all over the carpet." He told his big sister before leaving the room.

Joey looked at the timer. 7:33.

"Shit," She grumbled as she picked up another piece. "I'm going to hate pizza once I'm done." She took a bite, "Scratch that, I already hate it."

"I hear you," Logan grumbled, "I'm quitting my job."

"I told you," Joey muttered after swallowing, "Stick to ordering from home."

She stared at her pizza box with a sad look on her face.

Slowly she bent and picked up another slice.

"You can put that back," Logan said nicely, "Then we'll tie."

She took a bite.

"I hate you." Logan grumbled, frowning at his half eaten piece before taking another bite.

She had finished half of her pizza when the timer buzzed.

She'd never been so happy to hear an alarm in her life.

They both flopped onto the couch, panting and guzzling down water like they'd just ran the marathon.

"Guess what," Joey said, smirking.

Logan rolled his eyes.

"I won!" Joey was too tired to cheer, but she managed to grin at the camera.

"By half a piece." Logan grumbled.

"See that, children," Joey grinned, "Logie's a sour loser."

"Shut up," He muttered, getting up to shut off the camera.

Joey seemed to be coursing with new found energy.

"I won, I won," She chanted, doing a warrior dance around the couch.

He frowned before jumping onto her, and they both fell onto the couch.

"Get off of me." Joey screamed, "Your breath stinks of pizza."

Logan snorted, "Thank goodness I can't smell your breath then."

His arms went around her and he twisted them on the couch so she was lying on top of him.

She sighed and snuggled into him.


"It's all your fault, you big buffoon."

Logan grinned, "Love you."

"Go to hell, loser."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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