Vol. 9, Ch. 17: Omnis Undefined

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Volume 9's POV: Third Person POV

"So, uh, that's what happened? All in one morning?" David would say to Miyuki. It was now the evening of the same day. Miyuki was at the Police station, sitting on a wooden chair in an empty room. David sat across the table from her, taking notes in his small notebook while she explained the events of that morning. "You witnessed Taro's murder?"

"I-I did... Mr. Taro..." Miyuki shuddered, her eyes going blank when the image of that scene replayed in her mind. She felt like crying but there were no tears left to give. "How can someone do such a thing..."

"Hmmm..." David thought as he continued to write down what information he could from this interrogation. "Do you have any idea what the suspect looked like? I need you to tell me what you know about what happened this morning."

"I don't know! They were covered in shadows or something! It wasn't even dark clothing, it was like they were from a completely different world!"

"Sekken, I can only help you as much as you will allow me. I need you to give me a real description of what you saw. If I catch you protecting the offender, that can land you in prison in just as severe of a punishment as any I-35 member."

"Bro, I'm telling you the truth! What I saw probably wasn't human, but whatever it was that killed Mr. Taro, they have to be either one of the hooded figures or the head honcho themselves." Miyuki would explain before reaching into her pocket and pulling out something that she took from the crime scene, giving it over to David. "This note was somehow stuck to my back. It only makes my situation worse"

David then took the blood stained note, reading it over carefully while he tried piecing together what it meant:

"Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

I'm surprised that you aren't dead yet.

You will be though, because the Barricades are hunting you.

~ The Goddess of Shadows. (P.S. You don't need to worry about Omo anymore, she's in good hands now)"

" 'The Goddess of Shadows', what type of pretentious name is that?" David thought aloud while he sealed the sticky note inside of a plastic bag. "You should know that taking evidence from a scene isn't something you should do. That can get you in trouble too-"

"-I know that! I didn't notice it until I had left the scene. When I found the note, the first thing on my mind was taking it to you! I went to school early so I could get the needed evidence so you could search the school premises and stop these guys. What I didn't realize though was that this enemy is far beyond anything the police have dealt with."

"Whether it was intentional or not, we'll still need to run tests. What makes you say that the police 'can't handle' these kids?"

"These 'kids' aren't just 'kids'. You see, David, you aren't dealing with the average teenagers anymore..."

"What? Are they armed?"

"Maybe, but I'm not talking about being 'armed'. I'm talking about something even greater than that. Call me crazy for saying this, I don't care: These teenagers have superpowers!"

Miyuki could tell that David was confused, even amused by her statement. The room had settled into an eerie moment of silence which was only broken by the soft chuckles of disbelief from Detective David. "Superpowers? What is this, Super Joe?"


"... you're not joking, are you? Are you sure you're not just dream–"

Miyuki's fist would suddenly slam onto the table, said table rattling with a dent being imprinted on its metal top. "Have your guys search the school! You'll see the multiple holes in the ceiling, heavy dust clouds, a broken golden necklace, massive dents in the metal cafeteria doors, the destroyed bathroom, and NOT TO MENTION the LITERAL GAPING HOLE through my teacher's chest! Don't tell me that I don't know what I saw when I was literally there to experience that hell for two hours ON MY OWN WITHOUT any help."

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