Nervous (Elisa pov)

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Elisa pov

😱 Omg!!

I'm gonna meet Zale!! Today at 4 can you believe it mael!!! What should I do!!

Mael: !! First calm down Elisa

Elisa: 😔 (calming down..Abit) how do you expect me to do that i know I said I wanted to do it this time but I'm so nervous what ...what if he doesn't like what he sees or he calls me a fake or it's super awkward 😢 and he...wants a divorce

Mael: 😲 Elisa calm down listen I don't think Zale would do that everytime I talk to him he's very nice and doesn't come off as someone to act like that besides I don't think he cares about your weight or something like that

Elisa: I know just 😔

Right now Elisa is in her room getting ready early for work and planning out her clothes to meet Zale she's also has mael on face time call on her laptop

Elisa: 😩 ugh mael are you sure this would look good (holding up the 6 outfit)

Mael: 😩 Elisa I already said it looks good especially with your white scarf although I like outfit number 3

( Note:just imagine whatever outfit you want but I was thinking something like winter wear since it's like winter in the story like a winter coat and scarf)

Elisa:yeah I know sorry I just feel so nervous ya know I'm gonna see Zale for The first time in person I don't wanna mess it up

Mael; 😔 listen I promise you won't mess it up just be you that's all you can do

Elisa: yeah but ...the real me isn't like Lissa at all

Mael:what do you mean?

Elisa:(sitting down in front of laptop)when I'm Lissa I feel brave and powerful and I feel like I can do anything so much so that I come off as overly confident and so sure of myself but I'm actually not in real life I have so many things I'm not confident about and I always doubt myself and...some of my actions 😢

Mael: 😢 are... Lissa she's apart of you ..she always will be just estarossa is a part of me that I can't openly show but in everything I do he's still me and maybe I can't be a confident badass flirty demon in real life but I can be mael which is where those parts came from (just to add estarossa is super hot)

Elisa: 😊 suck at explaining things but I get it thanks ..maelstarossa

Mael:lol 😆 yeah sorry but you get it ..hey Choco misses you alot he still at my house and waiting for you come see him soon okay

Elisa: 😊 aw Choco my adorable kitten I would love to have him here .. 💢 but a certain cow is allergic to cats

Mael: 😅 seriously...your happy and sad one moment to the next now angry jeez your a handful anyway..I know Zale will be glad to see you he's probably as nervous as you and if it goes wrong you know I'm always here for you right you can always come to me (Choco interrupted) meow! .. sorry Choco (looking at Choco) me and choco (happy) Meow!

Elisa: 😊 😂 hahahah seriously mael don't forget Choco (deep breath and gets up ) alright !!!

Elisa puts the scarf in her bag along with her after work clothes and gets ready to leave

Elisa:bye cousin I'll text you later and tell you how it goes

Mael: smile got it ...and be careful I don't think Zale is a bad guy never know ya know

Elisa:oh trust me I know that's why I'll bring this(holds a bottle of pepper spray)and will be in crowded areas's to soon to go to his home even if we have ...done that sometimes (blushing)

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