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After a long day in classes I called my parents twice but they didn't answer which was unlike them. My stomach filled with uneasiness. I decided that I would head back to my apartment, shower then go check on them.

I've never really spent a lot of time away from them. They home schooled me and kept my away from other children my entire childhood. I never understood why but they said it was to protect me from the hatred in the world.

Don't get me wrong I've been around other people other than them I just wasn't allowed to make friends I never had anyone my age to talk to other than my cousins. They'd come to our house every year for the summer but after a while they stopped coming.

I make it home shower and out ok the same clothes I had on before I just took a shower cause I was feeling sweaty. I walk over to my parents home that's only a couple blocks away.

There's no cars in the driveway but I use my spare Key to get into the house anyways to wait until they come home.
When I walk into the house my heart drops and I feel sick everything is gone from the house. All the rooms are stripped bare no furniture our pictures gone everything.

They left without a word why would they do this?

I pick up my phone and start dialing my mothers number when I feel a sharp pinch in my neck and my eyes start to get heavy someone wraps the arms around me so I don't hit the ground I turn my head to try and look at them but my eyes have gotten to heavy.

I attempt to fight to stay awake but I can't my whole body becomes numb and I am consumed by darkness.
I wake up alone in a dark room with another girl. She's in a corner she looks dirty and hurt when she's turns her head and looks at me she gets up and walks to me. "I'm Valentina" she says.

"Autumn" I say. Looking around.

"Do you know why am I here?" I question her. "Well you I'm sorry to say but you here with me so you've been sold. But I will do everything I'm my power to help you until we can escape." She says softly.

"How long have you been here?" I say my voice shaking.

"Two weeks" she says.

"Keep your head down never look anyone of these men in the eye do don't speak you'll be less noticeable" she says.

A month later-

Valentina has helped me more than anyone has in my entire life she's shown me the rules of this place. It's filled with pain but she manages to encourage me everyday.

We're cleaning the rooms in the house when one of the men come in drunk. He starts groping me. I try to move away but he hold onto me tighter and starts kiss my neck. Fear runs through my entire body.

He wraps his hands around my neck and I stark kicking and punching trying to get him to release me but I'm not strong enough. "Stop fighting me you little slut" he growls out. Unbuckling my shorts I scream and kick him in the balls. Her drops me to the floor and I try to get up and run but fail he pulls my hair and slams my head into the wall.

I groan and scream out as he continues to hit me without mercy my whole body aches. He gets on top of me and starts pulling at my shorts but before he continue a vase is broken over his head. I look up to see Valentina. She takes a broken piece of the vase and slits the man's throat blood pulling into the floor.

She try's to speak to me but I can't hear anything. I feel her helping me up and taking me to our rooms laying me on the bed. She runs out to get one of the older women to help me.

As they come back into the room my eyes close.


I hear Valentina singing to me as she redresses the bandage on my head I had deep cuts on it from being bashed into the wall. She looks at me and smiles."You'll be okay it's healing nicely"she says.

She hugs me." Im sorry I didn't come in sooner." She whispers.

" I would have been raped if you hadn't came in when you did thank you you've done more than enough for me". I say hugging her back.


My cuts have healed but I still have bruises. One of the men found the man that tried to rape me. And beat Valentina terribly. I've been taking care of her for the last three weeks I've apologized to her many times but she keeps saying it was her choice and not my fault.

When she gets better we have to plan our escape I don't think she can handle another beating.


Damn you are one fine human being gimme a kith 💋

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