Level 2: Cade Craze

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The Arcade itself was an add-on building hidden underneath a large mall. They found it by traveling through the underpass that stooped and curved all the way down, passing the families entering and exiting the mall, as well as a long line of young women in short pants and roller skates. Through the isolated and constantly appearing space-themed decorations, our group knew they were finally almost there. Parking in an area close to the entrance, our group finally found themselves in the local haven for misbehavin' teens and children alike. The entrance was guarded by four tall golden statues of typical uncanny sci-fi-styled animals and creatures, alongside truck stoppers sloppily disguised as planets. The building itself was colored in dark blue and magenta tones sprinkled in with the imagery of stars and constellations, giving the illusion of looking up at the sky at night. Beyond the doors roared the loud and lively chatter of youth, excitedly tossing their coins in the machines to get their fill of playtime before the upcoming holiday break fully hit.

Allope's eyes widened at the wondrous sight of the larger-than-life establishment in all its spaced-themed glory. Making a run for the closest cool attraction, Rebecca managed to snatch her by her oversized jacket before she was out of sight. 

"WOAH-WOAH-WOAH!-Here-" Rebecca intervened, gifting Allope with a heavy quarter-filled sock, "Don't whack someone down with it...unless you have to, of course!" giving a grin and wink. The little girl existed loudly by swinging around the sock while charging at the games like some sort of barbarian.

"That was a lot of change, wasn't it?..." Freddie spoke his concerns, "Do you even have enough for yourself? How did you even get that much-"

"Relax," the teenage girl interrupted, "I'll be fine. I have my ways. I'm just going to disappear over by that room," she pointed to a dark corridor across the concession stand. Rebecca spotted her desired group of friends immediately as if she knew, leaving Freddie to play 'friends' by spotting any of the local jocks hanging around the arcade machines. 

Freddie didn't want to spend time with the jocks on his football team, nor did he ever find much excitement in playing virtual games; rather he looked forward to getting this anxiety fest over with, just to see his father's satisfaction in his son when he asked how the night was. Being gruff and damaging the brain that could lead him into the right college wasn't the most ideal future for Freddie, but he could at least pretend well enough; so there's no issue there, right? For the most part, he'd just stoop down to the jock's level well enough that they would never guess to how much he really despised being around them. Deep inside, however, Freddie would much rather stick with Rebecca or just always be there for Allope, but hated the thought of others lowering or increasing how they saw his security and masculinity. But perhaps if it weren't for Rebecca's odd habit to fall down unfamiliar rabbit holes of mystery and paranoia,  or the embarrassing thought of ever admitting to pretty much being Allope's 'third parent,' Freddie would have considered dropping the act.

For what felt like a lifetime away from her two companions, Allope greatly contemplated choosing the first game to play. Just like being left in the middle of a brand-new candy store, all of her options looked too good but too unfamiliar to figure out which one she should experience first.

"The art on the side of that one looks cool,"

"Oh but that one looks cool too!"

"Oh-Oh! Frogger! I like frogs!"

"All those kids seem to like that one, should I like it too?"

"OH! LOOK! PINBALL!....What's Pinball?"

Stumped, Allope considered stopping to take a full view of her surroundings. Suddenly, a black hole opened up from the wacky planet-themed carpet and sucked away all of the machines in question, except one: "Dragon's Lair."

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