Mission One: Bathroom Break

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If it had been up to him, Gon would have never stopped being friends with Killua. Not in a long shot.

Ever since Kindergarten, the two boys had been completely inseparable. Day after day, they played, laughed, and talked, completely content with each other's company. And as they got older, that bond only became stronger. Even so, that both boys deemed it as unbreakable. There was even one point in time where Killua was someone Gon would do anything for and vise versa.

Key word being "was" and "had" that is. As in past tense. As in not anymore. As in—yeah never mind you get the point.

It completely destroyed Gon when one day Killua decided to hate Gon with every bone in his body.


Gon still had no clue. No explanation to why his best friend completely shut him out after years of friendship. Became so cold and acted as if Gon were nothing but waste of space in the world.

Two years. It has been two years since their "breakup" and all Gon could do was guess. Guess to why Killua threw away the most beautiful friendship that spent years and years of building. Gon couldn't help but blame himself. It had to be his fault right? I mean, how else could you explain that?

Since freshman year. That's how long Gon has been trying to figure what he did wrong. Two years of over analyzing each moment the two had shared together. And each time, he came out with nothing. No clue to why, no explanation to how.

Now being in their Junior year of high school, Gon just wanted to move on. Two years of heart break was all the young teen boy could handle. Somewhere along those two years of despair, it somewhat became easier for Gon. Became much easier to not feel his heart falter anytime he saw the white haired teen in the school halls. Was easier to not constantly have Killua his number one thought throughout the day. Likewise, it was now much easier for the boy to not dwell on the past memories he once shared with Killua.

That was up until now that is.

Ever since yesterday at school in that stupid locker room, a spark lit back up into Gon again. Hense the reason to why he was even in detention to begin with...

And now he was faced with the consequences of his stupid actions. Now, he had to share a classroom with the boy who had broken him two years ago. For eight. Long. Dreadful. hours.

Gon could cry in frustration. All those attempts of avoiding the white haired teen now gone and absolutely useless as he sat only seats away from him.

Gon let his head fall to the table beneath him. Nothing has changed. Killua still hates him and it was proven when the white haired teen yelled at him only minutes prior. It sucked. Hidden feelings began to resurface as Gon's mind now once again filled with the "forgotten" memories.

He was fucked. So entirely fucked.

'If your a mind reader, smile.'

Killua stared hard at the blonde hair boy only a few seats next to him. Eyes narrowed in concentration as he studied each one of Kurapika's movements. The white haired teen waited to see if the boy had gotten his message.


Killua had resulted to communication within his mind. Some could say he had lost it while others could argue he was actually on to something. But in the midst of it all, Killua knew he was just being plain right stupid.

He couldn't help it though.

He was so bored out of his mind that he began to question if somewhere within his 17 years of living that he somehow obtained the power of mind communication. So yeah, he was losing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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