Ambulance Ride

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Callen called Hetty to tell her what happened.

'What's wrong Mr. Callen?' She asked.

'We got the suspect, but Sam got stabbed in the left leg in the process, Kensi and Deeks are taking the suspect to the boatshed now, I'm riding in the ambulance with Sam to the hospital.' Callen responded.

'Oh dear! Well, I hope he's okay. And tell him to do as his doctors tell him to do, I'm concerned about his well being!'

'Oooh, I think he heard you. See you later.'


'You get all that, big guy?' Callen asked.

Sam rolled his eyes. 'I'm fine! There's no need to worry! I'll be back on my feet before you know it!'

'Nurse, how bad does that leg wound look?'

'You're definitely going to need stitches, may need to take it easy for a few days.' The nurse responded.

'Ah. What will I do without you until then?' Callen asked, sarcastically.

'I hate you.'

'No you don't, you're just ticked that I have to be with someone else for a while.'

'Don't rub it in.'

Bad Things Happen Bingo, NCIS LA editionWhere stories live. Discover now