Chapter 2

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   The next day Flora and I were playing in our room together when Chloe bagded in.
She said angrily. 
"Who took my expensive shoe"
Flora and I laughed and I said:
" Why will we want to take your shoe".    
  "And how did you buy the shoe"  Flora concured.
"My friend on Instagram borrowed me money because I told her that mum was ill and we needed to pay for her medication". Chloe said with annoyance.
"You lied!" I said
"So, if I lie who cares.
I'll pay her back" Chloe said with confidence.
"Who'll give you the money to pay her"  Flora said with concern
"Mum and Dad, of course".
Mum can ask her manager to borrow her some amount of money, and I'll used the money to pay my Instagram friend"Chloe said
"You are so dumb" Flora said feeling sorry for her.
"Did you just call me dumb" Chloe said with anger and slapped Flora
Flora wanted to slap her back but our parents ran to the room.
Mum said :"What is going on here?"
To our surprise our mum was putting on Chloe's shoes
Chloe shouted "Mum what are you doing with my expensive shoe's"?
Mum said with shock "your shoes "
"Yes mum, my shoes" Chloe answered with anger.
"Oh, darling I saw this shoes in your room and thought it will be nice for me to wear it to the restaurant tomorrow" mum said
"Mum, why didn't you ask me" Chloe said
"I'm so sorry dear" mum said
"I forgive you mum , but pls don't do that again.
"Alright dear" mum said
" But Chloe were did you get the money to buy this shoe, it is so pretty" Mum asked
"Mum, my Instagram besties gave me the money" Chloe said
Mum asked " How, Why
Mum, don't you know your daughter is smart. I lied that you were sick and that I needed to pay for your hospital bills ".
    Flora and I thought that mum and Dad will scream at her but instead what mum tolled her shocked me.
"Oh, my daughter I knew you were smart , unlike your younger sisters who are so useless" mum said
  That word made Flora and I mad, so we decided to leave the room and never talk to them in a week.
       After Two month, I had written a lot of stories in many notebook. My younger sister, my mum's manager and my lesson teacher encouraged me never to give up.
    After a year had passed, my mum's manager insisted that we go to school, to our shock our parents agreed. Flora and I were the most happiest human being on earth.
Flora and I said:" Thank you so much sir, we appreciate.
The rich man said: "No need to thank me, I'm just helping"
  The only person that was not happy was Chloe. She hated school. Nobody cares about her feelings, so she just ran inside and cried.
         The Next month we started School. Flora and I enjoyed school. When we got home a great idea strucked me. The next day I decided to give my English teacher some of my stories. I thought she would laugh at my dream and story, but instead she took my story to the principals office. The principal read it and told me never to give up on my dream.
    From that day on my English teacher and the principal were my best friend. I will write and they will read it, make some adjustments and encourage me.
      Flora and I will buy cardboard with our savings, use it to create a story book and we will sell it to our classmates and school mate. That was how I became popular in school even though we were poor and not wealthy. As we were selling at school one day the principal saw us and immediately asked us to follow her.
Flora and I taught we were in trouble but to our amaze the principal gave us some amount of money and bought us some necessary materials we needed. We thanked the principal and left. Our parents and elder sister never knew about the story book selling. We only told people that we could trust.
         I continued with my daily routine of selling story in school for a year. Flora and I had saved a lot of money, and we had no place to keep it, so we told the principal and our English teacher and they offered to buy us a piggy bank , where we would save up our money.
     After three years I graduated from High school into University with a Scholarship. In University I studied Grammar. After a lot of story writing and selling I started looking for a house to buy. After Two month of search I finally saw a small cottage in Mexico where I lived.
       After Two years, my younger sister Flora graduated with a full scholarship into the same University that I studied in. Chloe never graduated because she never took her study seriously and later she ran from home with her best friends who lived a wayward life. Flora and I felt sorry for her, but not for long because we were so happy that we were finally together after two years of separation. Flora studied Science to become a Doctor while I studied Grammar to become an author.
      We both studied hard and made the rich nice man, our childhood lesson teacher, our english teacher and our Principal proud. 
          After some years Flora and I graduated successful from University.
Two months later I started writing and selling quality story book in Mexico. I was very popular in the environment were I lived. After a month I was very rich and I built a huge mansion in which I hired butler, cook, security, maids and washer man who will clean and wash our cars.
        Flora and I lived a luxurious life. We both wanted to show appreciation to the rich man who helped us when we were still young and Poor.

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