Chapter 3: At the hospital

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Emmas POV -As we arrived at my house my dad walked out and asked "What happened." Daniel replied for me " she fell and she hurt her leg". My dad took me in his arms and put me in the car. Daniels POV- I brougt Emma home and her dad took her to the hospital. I was going to go there bright in the morning. Emma's POV- At the hospital they told us that I had broken my ankle. That is wasn't anything serious and it would heal very fast,in about 3 weeks. I was watching t.v in my hospital room when Daniel walks in with a teddy bear and some chocolates. "Aww danny you really didn't have too." I told him "yea but I wanted to." He said. I was looking at the teddy bear and he asks " so when do you get to go home?" "Today actually" Daniels POV: I felt so bad for emma. I really hope she likes her gift. Emmas POV: I know the broken ankle is bad but I still didn't even get to ask Daniel if we were bf and gf. At home my dad had to work so Daniel offered to take care of me. Even tho I was on crutches and can walk. We were sitting in the couch watching t.v and I knew I was the perfect moment to ask.

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