Chapter 1

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Speed was doing what he usually does, which is stream and angrily rage and bark about losing a match or dying or whatever other inconvenience was happening inside of the video game he was playing when he decided he needed a break to use the restroom. So he paused his stream and went to use the bathroom.

As he was using the bathroom, he was watching something random on his For You Page on TikTok. He keeps scrolling and scrolling through the For You Page until he comes across an edit of him and Talking Ben in an anime fight. When he saw this, he thought of his crush, Ben, who Speed thought was the most handsome, muscular, intelligent man dog he had ever laid his eyes on. Ben was the only one who could turn Speed on with just his mere presence. But he knew that Ben didn't like him back, or did he? Speed's mind became clouded as he started becoming unassure of how Ben truly feels about him. 

I should ask Ben how he truly feels about me, I need to know, or I can never know if I need to move on or get into Ben's pants.  Speed thought to himself. He finished using the restroom and went back to his room to continue streaming.

"Guys, Ima play Talking Ben now," Speed said excitingly to the stream.

 Ben better feel the same way that I do about him, or I'll fuck him up and his tight asshole. Speed thought with a smirk creeping on his face.

Speed clicked off the original game that he was playing and loaded up Talking Ben, Speed could feel himself getting more and more nervous as he was about to basically confess to Ben and see if he felt the same. 

Then finally the talking game loaded up, and Ben was sitting in his red chair like always. Speed took a deep breath before calling Ben. Speed then called the phone to which Ben answered like he usually does on the game.

"Ben." Ben said in his usual tone of voice.

"Yo Ben, I need to ask you something important. Like really important," Speed in a nervous tone said.

"Yes?" Ben replied monotonedly.

"Ben.....Do you, love me? Like do you want me to marry you and to pound your sexy ass into the sheets? Do you want me to cuddle up to you every night after we go out to a fancy diner? Do you want to start a family together with me? Do you want to birth my children and watch them grow up as we grow old together? Ben, do you love me like how I love you?" 

Speed awaited Ben's response, unsure of how his crush would respond. Speed started nervously twitching inside of his seat. The silence from Ben was killing him, he needed to know now or it might kill him.

"Speed," Ben started, "I....I.."

"You what Ben? Say it please," Speed started tearing up, worried that the answer he is about to get will be one he really does not want to hear. 

"I...Speed, I do really love you. I really want to do all those things with you. But, I can't.." Ben replied as water started to cover his eyes.

"Why can't you Ben?! What the hell is stopping you?! Nothing should be stopping us from being together Ben!" Speed exclaimed, the tears that were forming originally had started to slowly fall down his cheeks and further down. 

"I-It's a person. They would be furious and possibly try and end my life if I did, and possibly yours if they get mad enough. I'm so sorry Speed," Ben wiped off his eyes with his hands.

"Who," Speed's voice went down a few octaves, "Who is it."

"It's.." Ben paused for a moment as he was worried the person would hear him.

"WHO IS IT BEN?!" Speed screamed into his mic. His chat was going crazy over what was unfolding in front of their eyes. 

"OK OK!" Ben exclaimed, "It's.....Tom."

Speed froze in complete shock. He thought Tom had liked Angela, so why would he want to stop Ben from being in a relationship, unless.....

Speed stopped that thought and decided to just think about what he would do with that information later. But all he knew was that even with that, he was still gonna try and have his Ben. No matter what, he will do whatever it takes. 

"Ben, what if," Speed started but stopped to make sure Ben was listening.

"Yes?" Ben replied monotonedly again.

"What if Tom never finds out? I mean, why does he even want to stop you from even being with someone in the first place?" Speed finished his original sentence.

"I guess he doesn't have to know, but I know how much he wants me to be with him. I mean, I can't exactly leave him. I've already tried. But, I'll see what I can do for you, Speed."

Speed calmed down as he tried to think about what he should say next. Does he ask if he can pick up Ben and let him live with him? Or does he do that and beat up Tom's ass? The second option sounded much better to him, but he decided to stick with the first option just in case Tom is only keeping him out of a relationship with good intentions. But if he finds out otherwise...

"Alright Ben, how about this. What if I come and pick you up?" Speed eventually said happily.

"Really?" Ben questioned, his tone changing into a more cheerful one.

"Of course! You can come live with me Ben," Speed replied.

"Ok then Speed, that would be great. Just let me know when you're coming, okay?" 

"Alright then Ben, I love you!"

"Yes, love you too Speed."

Ben hung up the phone, while Speed was jumping around with pure joy as he is finally going to have the love of his life living with him! He was so happy that he accidentally made his PC fall, but he didn't care at that moment. 

Meanwhile, Tom had heard the entire phone call, and was utterly pissed at Ben. But decided to keep his anger to himself. Tom wasn't going to let Ben be in a relationship with someone like Speed. Tom will do whatever it takes to keep Ben away from him, but he has to stay lowkey about what he is going to do. Because no matter what, Ben is his, and Tom is his.

To be continued...

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