Chapter 2

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After Speed's stream, he decided to go to sleep as soon as he could, so he can get up early in the morning to pick up Ben asap. He got up from his chair and plumped on his stomach, laying there thinking about what just happened on stream for a few minutes. He was thinking how amazing it was that his crush just expressed how he also had feelings for him too. The usually grumpy Ben opened up to him too, about his past wife and other past situations. Speed understood how he felt and stopped being angry at him as much. He stopped thinking about that because he just had a new thought that crossed his mind, a promise that he would do his absolute best to try and make his Benny happy..

No matter what.....

Speed, after a few minutes of thinking about stuff, drifted off to sleep while still laying on the side of his bed on his stomach.

Meanwhile with Ben, he was happy that he was going to finally leave his home with Tom in it. He was growing tired of Tom's overly clingy behaviors. Not letting Ben leave the house without him, monitoring his phone, getting very jealous when he would talk to Speed. And that's just a few things Tom would do, and Ben was sick and tired of every single one of the things he does. But he couldn't leave on his own because of the risk that Tom would possibly kill him. Now that was all going to change as he wouldn't be leaving on his own, he would have Speed with him. And Speed wasn't going to fuck with that type of bullshit from Tom. 

Ben left his room with the red chair and walked to the bedroom, where he could see that Tom was already asleep. 

Good, now I can get my things and leave this hellhole with my lover.. Ben thought to himself as he grabbed his suitcase from his side of the room. Tom was a heavy sleeper, so he didn't have to worry too much about the other hearing him pack up his belongings. 

Ben packed up his essentials and other valuable things that he wanted to take. While he was packing, he was imagining what his life would be in his new home with Speed. He could finally move on from his deceased wife, just like she would want. 

Flashback . . . . 

Ben and his wife were sitting in the dining room eating a meal that she had cooked for him.

"This is delicious honey," Ben said happily.

"Aww really?" 

"Yea it is baby, you're such a good cook."

She smiled as she pulled a chair from another part of the table and sat next to Ben, then her smile faded as she started feeling upset. 

"What's wrong honey," Ben, now concerned, stopped eating his food and placed his arm around her.

"I'm just thinking about something."

"What is it?"

"How would you go on living if I ever died before you?" 

This question made Ben start to tear up. He didn't nor want to think about that. He wanted him and her to grow old together and even die together too. But I guess there's a possibility that his wants couldn't happen.

"I don't know. I love you so much honey. I loved you ever since I started liking you when we were kids. You brighten up my day all the time. You're so beautiful and this amazing person, and I cannot afford to lose you. So I never thought once about the possibility of losing you, because I don't want to think about that. I never want you to be hurt or possibly fucking die!" Ben teared up more, "But, to answer your question. I don't know. I really don't know how I could honestly go on without you. There's no one else in this world that I would ever want to be with."

His wife's eyes opened wide as she heard his response. She couldn't answer him at first but then put his hands around his and finally spoke.

"Benny, I don't want you to feel like just because I might die that you cannot go on living. If I die, you need to promise me something, ok?" She said calmly.

"What is it honey?" Ben replied, still having tears blind his eyes.

"I want you to try and love somebody else the same way you loved me-"

"I CANNOT DO THAT!" Ben yelled then crying even more than before.

"I need you to be able to," She said raising her voice slightly, "You're a good man Ben, and I don't want you to feel that way when I'm gone. Please, try to love somebody else the same way if not more than you loved me. Do it for me, Benny." 

Ben looked down at his paws on the ground for a moment before looking her in the eyes.

"Okay, I'll try." 

"Thank you, Benny." 

"Just try not to die so soon on me, okay?"

"Okay, I'll try, but I can't make any promises because you never know."

"Alright, thanks."

"Of course, now you gonna finish up your meal?"

"Yeah, I will."

End of Flashback . . . .

Ben continued to pack his stuff up but had started to tear up as he thought of his passed wife. That was the last time he had been in an actual relationship. I mean, he did of course try to meet new people, but Tom pushed them all away. Well, he was not going to let Tom push Speed away. Speed was the one for Ben, just like how Ben was the one for Speed.

Ben had finally finished up packing his things and crawled into the bed with Tom, but making sure to keep a distance from him while laying down. Eventually, Ben drifted into a deep sleep, and started snoring too.

Both Ben and Speed were ready for the next day to come. It was gonna be a new chapter for both of them. And they were both excited for it. But, little did they know that the next day would possibly not be the best of days for either of them.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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