💛Just Like Humans Do💛

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Half of this is older and the second half newer. This took me an ungodly amount of time to write sense I've been working on improving my skills. Hopefully it turned out alright.

Btw, in this oneshot in particular, their designs more closely resemble their canon ones cause i thought it would be an interesting obstacle to try and work past. In future oneshots, it will probably be different.

Anywho, here's the sappy gay stuff.

Moon paced back in fourth. His voice box crackled; systems tensing. He'd requested Sun to stay in their room after the children departed. He reassured to clean thoroughly on his own and assigned his friend a set time to 'check on his progress'. Being the busy bee sun is, he was reluctant to comply until moon continued to press the idea.

He wanted to try something new. It was a tad childish but something he wanted to explore with the person he loved dearly. Possibly an unrequited deep warmth he felt for his fellow attendant.

In the daycare, they would often lead the kids down to the theater to watch some movies. Time after time again, there would be some sort of intimate dance scene between the two romantic partners in certain films. Maybe he could express his true feelings through the intriguing adulations of dance; something he wasn't familiar with. But- he wanted to try...

So, he dimmed the lights so it would suit both of their light intake sensors. He went the extra mile to fish out an old radio from an unlocked storage closet he stumbled across while out on one of his rotations. He even managed to find an abandoned outfit from the dance department. It wasn't the nicest fit but it would have to do.

His thoughts cut off by a familiar voice. "Moon, what's with the..." his words trailed off. His counterpart turned to greet him. "...Hey sun..." his eyes adverted themselves; he scratched his arm sheepishly. His friend took a moment to take in the scenery; his smile seeming to brighten. "You did all this?" His words were soaked with adoration.

The pearly white eyes of the other trailed his body. Moon adorned a silk iris tux and black dress pants. A faint humming creaked from his internal motors. "You look-" he paused. "Dazzling!" Moon couldn't help but admire his attempt at finding the perfect word. "Gosh, If I knew we we're playing dress up I would've worn something a bit nicer." Moon analyzed the other as he rocked on the heals of his feet, swaying in a sense.

Despite their stagnant grins, they'd become rather skilled at reading each others body language. "Don't stress about it, Sunflower." ... Sun perked his head up at the name. ...silence. Moon shuffled his feet; was the name that silly? The reticence came to an end by a strange noise. Click. A buzz was barely audible to the nighttime attendant.

A satisfied feeling washed over him at the sound of suns fans kicking in. "And here I thought you would hate the name." he sung out teasingly. "...stop it..." sun muttered, embarrassed by his own reaction. Moon laughed, gently encouraging the other into an embrace. Reluctantly, he complied.

The two stayed like that for a minute or so, simply enjoying the closeness of the other. Moon, not wanting to pull apart, leaned over to press a button on the radio. An old-timey melody rang out.

Sun locked his gaze with his counterpart. "Why the mu-" Moon drew a finger to where suns lips would be, hushing them. He grazed his hands down to his hips, humming in sync with the music. It finally became apparent to sun what moon was implying.

He looked away before whispering, "Moon- I don't know how to dance. Not like this." Moon went quiet. The volume of suns voice surprised him, considering he was almost always beaming. He took suns hand in his own "I dont know either..." he muttered, interlocking their fingers. "But i want to try." Sun hesitated before nodding.

The dulcet harmony frolicked throughout The Daycare. The pairs attempt of matching the songs beat was fruitless; but they were happy. Happy to have this second to themselves. No toddler quarrels or messy rooms. No bitter employees or displeased guardians. It was just the two of them; the only thing they had. The only thing they needed.

As the two swayed in a particularly odd manner, they would occasionally move a few steps. They were no experts on dancing. They had only seen dances such as these in movies; how did they make it look so easy?

Sun giggled every-time moons fingers grazed themselves just above his hips, re-fixing his resting hands. The touch made his tummy flutter and his cheeks flush with giddy endearment.

His body felt heavier than usual; relaxed. Perhaps Moons lavender fragrance had the ability to lull him to sleep, similar to how it does the children. Could his sensors process the scent like any human child could? Or maybe it wasn't that. Was it possible that the comfort and intimacy of the other could soothe him enough for his hyperactivness to subdue; even if it was just for a little?

He nuzzled into the others neck, bringing them closer. If it weren't for the tux, they would surely have scratches on their toros by now. "Are we... doing this correctly?" He pressed deeper, "This is how the humans do it, right?" His voice-box croaked. Moon sighed contently at Suns gesture before replying. "Well, maybe not, but...I like this too..." The answer seemed to please himself and Sun as they both retreated back into their thoughts.

He loved quiet moments such as these. Moments where he didn't have to worry that any wrong move could earn him a scorn talk. He cocked his head to the side; his cheek laying ontop of suns head. Suns top spike retracted to make room for this action.

His sensors took in the intoxicating citrus scent sun was laced in. The attar was savored by him, something he could never earn enough of; something he wanted to hold onto. It contrasted to the fresh smell of paint he would contract right after a day with the kids. When the sun fell on eventful days such as these, the aroma was covered with the lemony hint the sanitation wipes contained. With all the cleaning the pair did, it stuck to him. This was the only thing The nighttime attendant liked about the strenuous hours they would spend scrubbing. The task that commonly went unappreciated.

The joyous chime faded. They were met with the soft murmuring of their internal motors along with the jingles of their wrist bells. It was the only audible noise. Moon lifted his head, achieving a befuddled glance from Sun. He met this confusion by gently pressing their face plates together in an act of affection; the motion resembling a kiss.

The swaying drifted into a stiff stand. Moon parted the two's heads as he stared into the others milky sockets. Sun released some quiet clicks. Moon supposed he should've asked before joining them both together; it had been his first attempt at a kiss. Was it too soon?

Moon peered at the padded floor below, feet shuffling. "I shouldn't have-" "do that again." his tone was unusually hushed and unsure. Moon hesitantly obliged, this time placing it onto his forehead.

From an outsiders perspective, the prospect of his teeth bumping against the other seemed unpleasant and strange. However, to the attendants, the meaning behind it was there.

Silence drew between them again. Sun traced his hands up to Moons plate, cupping his face with the accompanied strokes of his thumbs. Moon melted into his hands as he felt himself being pulled into yet another kiss resembling gesture. This time it lasted longer; their systems whirling and clicking at the newly learned act. Moon caressed one of suns 8 spikes, rubbing it tenderly.

A minute seemed to pass before they finally felt satisfied enough to pull apart. Suns voice box cracked, "I- so.. does this mean..." Moon responded simply by messaging his sides. "I want it too." They both adverted their stare awkwardly. They knew they shouldn't be able to express this sort of fondness but nevertheless, it was a welcomed emotion.

Sun pressed his facial plate into moons silky suit. Moons fans faintly buzzed. "Would you like to lay with me to night?" Sun nodded, "Can we hold each other more? Please? Even just a little more? Pretty please?" Moon anxiously yet swiftly gestured in agreement.

So, they spent the remainder of the night resting on their sad excuse of a bed; a mound of dirty pillows. It typically bugged out their cleaning program; bothering them to a great extent anytime they laid on it. Though, it didn't matter, not now anyways. They simply made small talk about the children as they exchanged sweet nothings and kisses; both cuddling the other, seeking a cure to their touch depravation. A cure that only the other counterpart pertained. Something that was perfectly okay by them. Something that made their repetitive, tiering days worth while.

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