Chapter Four

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Me, Harry and Hagrid are sat at a long table at the leaky cauldron.

"You alright, you two? You seem very quiet," Hagrid asks.

"He killed our parents, didn't he? The one who gave us our scars," Harry says.

"You know Hagrid. We know you do," I say.

"First, and understand this because it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago, there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V-." He stops himself. "His name was V-." He stops himself again.

"Maybe if you wrote it down?" Harry suggests. 

"No, I can't spell it. Alright. Voldemort." He says the last part quieter than the first. 

"Voldemort?" Me and Harry say in sync.

"Shh!! It was dark times, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em. Nobody... not one. 'Cept you two."

"Us?" I ask. "Voldemort tried to kill... us?"

"Yes. Those aren't no ordinary cuts on you. A mark like those only come from being touched by a curse... and an evil curse at that."

"What happened to V-... to you-know-who?" Harry asks.

"Well, some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there, still, too tired to carry on. But one things absolutely certain. Something about you two stumped him that night. That's why You're famous. That's why everybody know your names. You're the twins who lived."

*At Kings Cross Station*

We're crossing a bridge, me and Harry with our trolleys of our trunks, equipment and owls. I named my owl Angel, and Harry named his owl Hedwig. They're both girls. 

A couple look at Hagrid suspiciously. "What're you looking at?" he asks, then taking his watch out his pocket and checking the time. "Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore'll be wanting his- well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your tickets. Stick to them, that's very important. Stick to your tickets."

Me and Harry look at the tickets, seeing that it says 'Platform 9 ¾'. "Platform nine and three quarters," Harry reads from the ticket. 

"But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform nine and three quarters. There's no such thing... is there?" I ask. Me and Harry look up from our tickets, thinking we'd see Hagrid, but instead we see that Hagrid has completely vanished and we are alone.

We walk down to the platforms, looking for platform nine and three quarters. We continue walking but can't find it and instead come across a guard. "Excuse me? Excuse me?" Harry asks. "Excuse me, sir? Could you tell us where we might find platform nine and three quarters?"

"Platform nine and three quarters? Think you're being funny, do ya?" the guard says before walking off, mumbling about 'Platform nine and three quarters.' 

We notice a woman, daughter and four boys walk by, pushing trolleys, all wearing the same red hair, two of the boys looking identical to each other. "It's the same every year. Packed with muggles, of course. Come on, platform nine and three quarters this way," The woman says.

"Muggles?" I ask. Me and Harry follow them as they come to a stop.

"Alright, Percy, you first." The tallest boy that wasn't one of the identical boys comes forward and runs towards a brick wall, disappearing right into it, amazing me and Harry. "Fred, you next."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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