Love hurts

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It was over a week since Jimin had hurt his wrist but it was nearly better.
Throughout it all Jungkook had made it his business to help Jimin when needed something the small boy revelled in. He knew the attention wouldn't last so he accepted what was given.
The group were due at an awards ceremony that night so they were all dressed up.
Jimin thought how eye catching Jungkook looked.
He listened as Tae and Jungkook chatted together while waiting for the cars.
"So Kook, you gonna hook up with her again if she's there?"
"Maybe,or someone else might catch my eye,you?"
"Ditto, it's the only time we can sneak off when groups get together."
Jimins heart felt heavy of course Jungkook would find a girl tonight, didn't he always?
"Hey Jimin, what about you, any girl you have your eye on?" Jungkook asked.
Jimin sighed although he never shouted out about it and he knew RM ,Jin and Suga knew, he realised how little Jungkook knew.
"No....,no girl Kookie, I'm gay."
Jungkook just gaped, Jimin was gay? He looked around, the others didn't seem fazed by the announcement did they all know?
"S-sorry Jimin,"
"What for Kookie? I'm not ashamed of it and as a group we stand up for the community ."
"I mean I'm sorry I didn't realise,"
"Why would you,it's not like you've shown an interest in my love life before," Jimin said, thinking sadly it's not like you've shown any interest in my life
The cars came putting a halt to the conversation .Usually Jimin and Jungkook took the same car but Jungkook hauled Tae in next to him meaning Jimin had to go in another car. He smiled sadly to himself.
At the ceremony the groups chatted amongst themselves, Jungkook and Tae chatting to the girls near them until Jungkook saw a tall male come over to Jimin hugging him and making Jimin giggle. What a sweet sound that was and the way Jimins eyes nearly closed when he smiled, Jungkook realised he was staring and swiftly moved his attention away, but he kept glancing back feeling annoyed for some reason at the attention the man was giving to Jimin.
He saw Jimin nod and give a thumbs up as the male left their table, then the awards began. Their group getting best song and video and Jimin getting recognition for his cultural dance. At the end of the awards Jimin spoke to Rm giving him his trophy and gesturing , RM nodded and Jimin left the group, Jungkook watched as he met up with the male from before and they walked off together.
Tae pulled his arm," so you coming with us? " he gestured to the side where some girls stood waiting along with men from another group.
"Nah, sorry Tae, I'm not feeling it tonight, I'm going back."
"Ok be seeing ya."
Arriving with the rest back at the dorm, Jungkook showered and dressed in pjs. It was already late and the others drifted of to bed leaving Jungkook on his own in the sitting room. He knew Tae wouldn't be back but Jimin? He had never known Jimin to stay out, but there again he may have when Jungkook was out having flings, which wasn't often, but a man has urges he reasoned to himself, did that mean Jimin did too? Why had he not known about Jimin, was he that self centred?
He wondered was Jimin with that man right now, was he touching Jimins perfect arse and kissing his plump lips?Jungkook felt more annoyed as he thought about it,scenarios playing in his head,all of them with Jimin in moaning as he was being fucked hard.
Jungkook realised he had a huge boner, he went to a bathroom and pleasured himself all the while thinking of Jimin, cumming intensely . Cleaning himself up he sat back on the sofa turning the tv on but not taking much notice of what was on.
Soon he heard the front door open and someone stumble in.
"Hey Kookshiiiii.....," Jimin was drunk
"Jimin let me help you,"
"Ssssshhhh! Don't wake everyone up, are you tipsy Kookie I am,heheh!"
"Jimin drink this water and take these tablets,"
"Ok dokey Kookie."
"Did you have fun with your boyfriend," Jungkook asked jealously.
"I have a boyfriend? Who is it?" Jimin asked
"Well you went off with that man so....."
"He's my friends husband we all met up afterwards I haven't seen him for months ...., oh naughty Kookie did you think I was getting fucked?" Jimin giggled drunkenly, then stumbled up the stairs a jealous Jungkook following.
Jimin got to his door opening it he swung round and beckoned Jungkook nearer.
"I think I'm going to forever be a virgin ," he giggled tripping into his room before passing out on the bed.
Jungkook stared at the passed out male, Jimin was a virgin? So nobody had fucked that perfect arse!
Jungkook went to the bed undressing the boy til he was just left in his boxers, then cleaning him with a damp cloth to freshen him up he put him into the bed. For some reason Jungkook thought he should stay in the room to make sure Jimin was ok.
It was lucky he did because an hour later Jimin woke up nauseous and was trying to get to his bathroom until strong arms picked him up and carried him there cleaning him up afterwards and making him clean his teeth. Jimin drowsily did so letting Jungkook carry him back," cold," he mumbled making Jungkook climb into the bed and spoon against the small boy giving him his body heat  so that Jimin quickly dozed of again.
Jungkook had his hand on Jimins slim waist feeling himself get hard at their closeness and gasping as Jimin wriggled against him, fuck he wanted to dive into that plump arse but he kept himself still until Jimin settled his arse against Jungkooks bulge as if it belonged there.
After a while Jungkook relaxed drifting off to sleep while cradling the other.
Morning came, Jimin heard a regular thump, god how much had he drunk was that his head thumping? Then he realised his head wasn't on a pillow, it was on someone's chest,"aaaah!" He yelled sitting up hurriedly.
"Jimin what's up does your head hurt?"
"Kookie?why are you in my bed?"
Jungkook decided to play a game, he put a sad face in.
"Y-you mean you can't remember our night together?"
Jimin was astonished, had he,had they, Damn he'd done it with Jungkook and couldn't remember!
"Haha, your face Jiminshi!! No we didn't do anything , you were very drunk I cleaned you up and you said you were cold so that's why we were in bed, I'll go to my room now, it's still early."
",right,thanks for your help ," Jumun said quietly, his heart breaking at Jungkook thinking it was funny to tease Jimin about sleeping with him. Once Jungkook left Jimin curled back up in his bed crying silently at how unfair life was.
Jungkook went to his own bed trying to get comfortable but tossing around, it wasn't the same, he liked having Jimin next to him. He lay there his head in a mess until he couldn't think anymore and slept.

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