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For sure, once in your life you asked yourself why you get attached to people that are supposed to be temporary. To the things that you knew won't last, to the feelings and emotions you feel towards a certain person.

And then in the end, you get hurt because it's done. The feelings vanished, the material things are gone and the people left. You feel sad and lonely because you're not used to it. It's alright.

It's normal, we're humans. We get attached to people and things that are supposed to be temporary. It may be sad but I hope you'll realize that the key to overcome it is by understanding that it's part of the cycle of life. And by getting used to it.

The world is fast moving, the people we know changed and so are we. No one is left behind unless you chose to get stuck somewhere you shouldn't be. Things and even situation change, the world won't stop to share your sorrows when you meet a downfall.

Instead, it will leave you behind. Nobody will stop to wait for you, so no matter how hard it is, just keep moving forward until you are again, able to keep up. Because in this world, no one, not even your family will stay stuck to where you are stuck just to wait until you're done mourning.

Accept the reality that it's you who can save yourself in all inconvenience and troubles you're into. No one can cheer you up better than you, so yeah, practice cheering yourself up everyday. Be your own savior.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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