No strings

462 12 15

So if you feelin right, grab the Kryptonite

If this yo song tonight, then it's on tonight

Bounce wit it drop wit it

Lean wit it rock wit it

Snap wit it

All my ladies pop yo backs wit it

Do it do it do it do it

You know that will be rockin' to it to it

So do it do it do it to it

Bonnie was swirling her hips to the beat of her favorite Cherish song when she felt someone slide up behind her. She spun around, still winding her hips and looked up to see a really tall white boy with light brown eyes swaying to the music. He had great rhythm to Bonnie's surprise so she stayed his company, spinning around again only this time backed it up against him and he clutched her hips and followed her movements. When Bonnie rolled her hips against him, he pushed right back against her and when she took it to the floor in circles, he was right there with her.

When they came back up, Bonnie reached behind her head and cupped his chin, leaning on him while they swayed. The song was then mixed into another song that sounded lame to Bonnie so she turned to face him and pressed her hand against his chest. "Thanks for the dance,"

She turned away and left the dance floor. She needed another drink. When she reached the bar she turned around and was disappointed to see the man hadn't followed her. She tsked before she grabbed the attention of the bartender.

"Hey girl!"

"Hey, pretty lady!" Hayley was pouring a bottle of liquor into 6 shot glasses. "You here by yourself tonight?"

"Don't judge me, mama needed a night out and no one was available," Bonnie replied.

"No judgment here at all, do your thing!"

"At least you're here though!"

Hayley laughed. "That doesn't count, I'm working and I'm almost seven months pregnant, I can't exactly drink."

"Fuck it, give me two drinks then. I'll drink for you!"

"What'll you have?"

"Sex on the beach for the petite beauty, dear," an exotic-sounding voice said from behind Bonnie. "And it's on me."

Bonnie glanced to her right as the man she was just dancing with walked up. He was English, according to his accent. And he was so fucking tall, Bonnie wanted to climb him.

"And I'll have the Macallan."

Hayley rolled her eyes and grabbed the most expensive bottle of whiskey that was present and handed it to the tall, handsome, English stranger.

He only grinned at her as he took the bottle, which seemed to further annoy her, as her face formed into a glare. Then he turned to Bonnie and said, "Enjoy your night, love."

Then Bonnie watched as he disappeared again into the crowded club. When she turned back to Hayley, the bartender was now glaring at her, with her arms folded.

"What's that look for?"

A person a few seats down at the bar was attempting to wave Hayley down. Hayley glared at them too and snapped. "Just a minute!!"

Then she turned back to Bonnie. "I see you've had the misfortune to meet Kol."

"You know that guy?! Introduce me!" She cringed inwardly when she realized how high school she sounded.

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