Remorse and Denial, Work and Heartship .5

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Foolish POV:

It had been a day or so, almost about time for me and the other people to start working. I was excited, things were looking up and honestly; I was feeling better.

I had been helping Fundy with some of the work he'd been doing for Quackity since he was busy enough, It was nice actually.
Nobody yelling constantly, it was peaceful and every now and then Fundy would put on some nice like.. Ballroom music or something and he would encourage me to dance for a little while we did chores and such here and there.

I enjoyed it quite a lot actually, Quackity seemed really busy today; Which gave us a lot more to do but it was all good.

It had been a few hours, Quackity called me in; Probably cause he needed something.

" Hey Foolish! " He said, putting some papers out on his desk as i walked up to him.

"Hello Quackity! What do you need? " Speakingly lowly, fundy was taking a nap and honestly didnt want to see the end of that if i woke him.

" Well, i have some plans for Las Nevadas that i thought you should look over with me. Another opinion is nice. " He shrugged, I walked over to him, looking at his seperate plans;

" I have plans for the official sign and meaning of Las Nevadas, but im not completely set on what ive thought of, i want it to be more than just a Casino and getaways. I want it to seem more, to be more, but Im getting a bit ahead of myself- "

" Maybe Las Nevadas could mean hard working people, among all they work for equalness and serve to deserve and follow to stay. To mean something like.. Im not sure; Dependency? Loyalty? Legacy? " I said, cutting him off.

" Legacy.. loyalty, dependency.. Yeah; That sounds good foolish. " He says quietly, typing it down on his computer and flipped the side of the paper.

I smiled, looking at the next paper he moved towards me;

" This one is about the official sign of Las Nevadas, I was thinking this can be your first assignment here at Las Nevadas given by yours truly of Las Nevadas, Quackity. " He smiled a bit, I nodded and folded the paper into one of my pockets.

He was good at explaining these things to me. He was really nice actually, fundy told me its odd that hes really nice to me, guess im special?-Haha.

I watched the way his lips moved whenever he spoke, and said words a bit difficult for him. Watching his hand movements, and his gestures. He was a nice guy, in more than one way.
Foolish, your so fucking infatuated-

" Foolish are you listening? " he looked at me, I became suddenly really nervous;

" Of course! That sounds like a good idea. " I was listening just, i didnt get the full details-

" Thats another thing you can work on for one of your first assignments... " He looked through a couple more papers and handed them to me

" So, I was wondering how we should build the stores/shops, you can negotiate that with the people doing the shops and stuff when they arrive in a day or so! " He spoke firmly, it felt.. like, i dont know. I liked how he talked to me- FOOLISH YOUR DOING IT AGAIN.

" O-Okay! Sounds like a definite plan Q! " I said quickly, he smiled and let me leave.

Gosh.. Were I already in love?

(Hes in denial guys)
Pov change
Quackity POV:

It'd been a day or so, foolish has been busy, showing me concepts and insisting i say if anything should be changed.
It looked good but honestly- he wouldnt stop unless i said something should change, I guess he really seeks approval-

Nothing wrong about that.
I met Tubbo today, He was nice and calm. Very cooperative, was quite joyful to work at Las Nevadas and already got a design for his.. uhh- Burger Place, yeah. Thats what he was doing I believe.

Tubbo walked around Las Nevadas for a good 2 hours, staying about 3 after that then left to go home.
Hes an honorable man, I remorse for him getting shot by techno and such. But grudges cant be held forever, and that includes me..
Even if im holding onto some im trying to let go, Its working for the most part I suppose.

Purpled came by, he was intrigued by the fairness of payment from Las Nevadas. Purpled wanted to be a sort of estate agent and like, register or such. Fair,
It seemed like a good fit, he was very good at it.
Foolish did interrupt a few times, but its not a big deal.

After another day passed, He showed me his final design of the buildings and them already being done. I have to admit.. He was a strong man, and very good with his hands.. I suppose-

Im actually impressed.. I have good hands in my country.

Purpled showed he could be a master to the tricks and foolery of the eye, impressive. But i had seen a lot of it before from a certain someone.
He was happy, rented out one of the residency homes as temporary places if he didnt make it home on time.

Foolish was quite joyful, he was a bit cute when he heard me say i was impressed and everything- It wasnt much, im not sure why one would be happy about that but. He does what he does.
I wont hold him down for it.

He gets nervous around me a lot now, and keeps getting flustered. Guess hes a really nervous guy, but hes still good with his hands.
Very good,
I was impressed with everything- beyond impressed i suppose!

I cannot admit how much hes been helping. It was nice, and the others helping is gracious too!
Its lovely and all but I beg to wonder what Foolish thinks about this and all;
I mean in like.. What does he think about me letting him stay here and stuff?
Yknow.. Thats normal to wonder right? Im not sure. I feel weird for wondering about him.

1008 words

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