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Summer, 1907

A young girl in a light blue dress ran through the back alleyways of her town, heading for a field far away. She avoided all contact with he people around her, letting them fly by. The girl ran across the cobbled pathways of her home town, through a small forest and down a secluded dirt path leading to a hidden field that shone in the sun's spotlight.

Once reaching the field, the girl's eyes searched frantically, her chest rising up and down heavily as her breath caught up with her, recovering from the run. The girl's eyes scoured the field but were given a view of only short, green grass. There wasn't a ten year old boy there waiting for her, nor was the other ten year old girl that should have been accompanying him, there either.

Her shoulders slouched in dismay. The two had promised to wait for her. The sound of footsteps behind her alerted her senses again as she whipped her head around, only to be surprised by a cheery, old lady standing in front of her. The lady's hair, white like a dove, complementing her pearly white teeth that shone with her smile.

"Your brother and his friend left only as few minutes ago I believe" the lady explained. "But don't worry dear, they're safe. Although I wouldn't go after them"

"Who are you?" 

A cheery smile broke out onto the old lady's face as she stuck out her hand to the girl, "Miss Elsie Dove at your service, and I believe you are Miss Ashtyn Apiston." The girl nodded, shaking Miss Dove's hand. She was surprised at how they were softer than she expected. Normally old ladies around her home had cracked and dry hands.

"No need to be afraid dearie, I don't bite"

"Where are Hugh and Fiona?"

"Oh don't worry, they are with my friend, Miss Peregrine. She will keep them safe, like I will to you" 

In her mind Ashtyn mused that these two ladies were named after birds, Peregrine and Dove. How peculiar. 

"Where are they going?" The girl further questioned.

"To Miss Peregrine's home in Cairnholm, Wales" Ashtyn's, eyes widened at the news. Cairnholm, Wales was a long way from her home. She began to worry for her brother and best friend, although curiosity soon overtook her thoughts.

"How will you keep me safe?"

"I will take you to my home. There you'll find many other children like you, all perfectly peculiar"

"Where is your home?"

"Abruzzo, Italy. Yes, my wards and I live in the lovely countryside." Again the girl was surprised. Italy was so far away and probably different from home, but it could keep her safe. Ashtyn was distracted from her never ending questions by a gentle finger on her chin, lifting up her jaw. "Don't want to let the flies in" the old lady scolded gently.

Ashtyn's head went up and down quickly, "Now, we must get going, as I can't leave the children alone for too long!"

"We leave now?" The old lady only smiled and nodded, "Come on, one can't be late."

Ashtyn followed the old lady away from the sanctuary that she, her brother and her best friend had all shared their greatest memories in. Stealing one last glanced before she was whisked away to the large but hidden home in the country side. A new sanctuary full of new memories, although she would never lose the old ones.

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