Show and Tell

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"Now children, since we are here for an experience to, learn more about our fellow peculiars"

Miss Dove caught the attention of the table as here and Miss Peregrine stood at the head, I looked up from the conversation I was having with Sofia, "Miss Peregrine and I have compiled a series of activities together so that you all may bond more."

Nods go around the table before Miss Dove starts again. "We will have an activity after dinner so that you may find out what everyone's peculiars are" Dinner continues and soon enough it's finished.

Everyone gathers in a circle outside as Miss Peregrine gives out the instructions. We are all to go around and show off our peculiarities one at a time. Miss Peregrines wards went first. We watched Olive produce the fire and Emma tie a rope around her waist, with Victor on the other end, and float away. There was a boy named Enoch and he made a bunch of dolls come to life using a rabbits heart. Then it was Hugh and Fiona, Hugh introduced Fiona who made a bunch of flowers grow, and then Hugh bees went and pollinated them.

Then it was Victor and his sister Bronwyn's turn. "My brother and I have the strength of ten men, would you like us to show you?" Claps erupted as everyone egged them on to try. I saw Victor send Miss Peregrine a suggestive look but she quickly shot him down, "absolutely not Mr Bruntley" I laughed along with the other children.

"Emma Bloom, Hugh Apiston, Harvey Jones, Sofia Ricci and Ashtyn Apiston will do it"

I looked down at the girl standing next to me, "who said I volunteered?"

Jade Johnson just shrugged smiling at me, "ask Horace, he had a vision of you all doing it"

I looked over at said boy, he wore a smart pantsuit and a bright red blush on his face, "how did you know that?" Jade smiled back at him and tapped her head before giggling, "thankyou by the way" his blush turned deeper as Millard and Hugh began to tease him.

Miss Peregrine saved her ward from complete embarrassment, "well come on children, Horace.." Miss Peregrine looked over at Jade, "Jade Johnson" the ymbryne nodded, "Jade, would you help assemble them. 

Horace and Jade assembled us together, Victor stood with a rope around his waist, Emma attached, Harvey on his left shoulder, me on his right, Bronwyn sat of his hand holding Sofia and Hugh. Everyone clapped at us and there were two flashes before Grace Campbell held up my camera and two newly printing photos. I smiled and held up a thumb before quickly reattaching my hand to Victors arm.

I heard him chuckle and felt his hand grip my waist firmly. I smiled down at him, out of the corner of my eye I saw Horace and Jade whispering and gesturing to Victor and I. I screamed in my head and Jade stuck her tongue out at me in retaliation.

Miss Peregrine and Miss Dove helped dissemble our little pose. Getting down Emma first, then Sofia, Hugh, Bronwyn, Harvey and then I felt Victors other arm wrap around my waist, gently placing me on the ground. I caught his eye and had to fight off the blush that came with his strong arm around my waist.

I went back to my spot, in between Jade and Gideon, smacking away both of their teasing hands. We resumed the show and tell, Harrison showing off both his and Sofia's together. Ace transformed into Miss Peregrine and decided to mock her, earning a hit on the back of the head by Miss Dove, turning him back into a little boy.

Nova teleported onto Charlottes shoulders and remained there. Then it was Gideon's turn, he looked at me nervously, releasing his grip on Charlottes hand, and walking forward.

"Can I have a volunteer?" his voice was shaky but still a few hands shot up, Hugh's being one of them. Gideon picked Hugh, "you may want to remove your bees." Hugh's bees escaped from his stomach, resting on the flowers again.

"Good luck I guess" Harvey stood close by, in case his brother needed help.

Gideon stomped open foot lightly, Hugh began to try to fight Gideon, each attack easily blocked. 


Gideon stomped again, Hugh suddenly looked ravenous, he began to search for food and was about to eat flowers but Gideons hand on his shoulders stopped him.


Gideon stomped again and Hugh clutched his stomach, looking like he was about to vomit.


Harvey then came up behind Hugh, waving a hand above his head. The look of sickness on my brothers face disappeared, "Usually death would come next, but I believe that isn't allowed"

Harvey helped Hugh back to his spot beside Fiona, the young girl clutched his hand once close enough. Gideon explained their peculiarities. 

"I have the powers of the four horsemen: war, famine, sickness and death. I can control it although I can't when someone annoys me" Gideon said the last part with a rude and slightly threatening undertone while looking over at Ace who just smiled sheepishly. Harvey stepped in, "I on the other hand, can practically do the opposite of that"

They walked back to their spots as claps arose. Now it was my turn. I walked forward and smiled, "Hello, you all may know I'm Ashtyn Apiston, Hugh's sister if you didn't know, and I can practically do what he can with butterflies, but thankfully they don't come from my stomach"

I clapped my hands together lightly and butterflies appeared, flying out from under my skirt, in my hair or from around the circle. The butterflies began to make different shapes as people began to clap, the little ones giggling. I finished and the butterflies went around the circle, resting in a crown on all the girl's heads, including Miss Peregrine and Miss Dove. I also made sure there was a crown on Gideon's head.

We continued around the circle until we were finally done. Miss Dove dismissed us, saying we had one hour until it was time to get ready for bed. 

I began to wander back to the house but soon got off track, walking away from the group and towards a new track the butterflies had created for me. I was walking for a bit before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and came (very closely) face to face with Victor. We smiled at each other for what seemed like forever before he broke the silence.

"Where were you going?"

"On a little explore, wanna come?"

An even bigger smile broke out onto his face, "I would be delighted"

His hand left my shoulder, travelling down my arm and to my hand where he interlaced our fingers. I giggled, pulling him along, following a group of florescent like butterflies.

We walked up a hill until we got to a little cliff face, the grass was pretty short here. I walked forwards, Victor's hand still encased with mine. I took a couple steps before the grass lit up. Thousands of fireflies shot up and started to fly around us. I laughed as Victor began to twirl me around with them.

Now we lay down on the grass, looking up at the night sky, hand's still interlocked. I felt eyes boring into the side of my head. Turning I stared into Victor's eyes, he stared back. I couldn't help but notice every feature of his face, the shape of is nose and the very little blemishes that lay across it. 

I also noticed his thumb softly stroking the back of my hand. 

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