Party Crashers

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"You Inazumans really know how to relax don't you?" Venti proclaimed. "I have never even thought of having warm Sake in the middle of a bath before!"

"I'm glad that our customs are to your liking Venti." The samurai chuckled. Their grand tour of Inazuma City had just finished with a relaxing soak in Aisa Bathhouse. After sightseeing for hours in Inazuma city, trekking up to the Grand Narukami Shrine, and stuffing themselves with every Inazuman delicacy (thanks to Komore Teahouse and Taroumaru), a nice rejuvenating soak was exactly what they needed.

"What's next on the agenda?" The bard asked cheerfully.

"I think we should call it a day." Aether suggested. "I think Ruu and Paimon had enough for today." He said gesturing to the boy and the fairy crumpled on his back. Paimon was down for the count the moment they had left Komore tea house. She had stuffed herself too much that she couldn't even fly anymore. They even had to leave her with their clothes when they went into Aisa Bathhouse. She had literally eater herself into a food coma. Ruu on the other hand had overheated in the bath. His face- rather- his entire body was as red as a Jueyun chilli by the time they had come out.

I didn't know even ghosts could overheat in a bath Aether chuckled to himself.

"I agree with the Traveler. The little guy doesn't look so good." Gorou quipped. He has been fanning the young boy since the moment they had left the bathhouse in a futile attempt to cool him down.

"Such buzz kills!" Venti groaned, groggily grabbing Kazuha by his shoulders before grinning mischievously at the group.

"If that's the case. It won't hurt anybody if Kazuha and myself went drinking somewhere right.?"

"I am not giving you any more Mora for alcohol."

"Why not? We're at a festival why can't I enjoy myself to the fullest?"

"Because! You've had 2 bottles of sake already and it's just the first day! And besides your drunk already."

"I am not!" Venti protested while hugging onto a lamppost for balance.

The group laughed at the banter between the Traveler and the bard. That was when the shrieks started.

"What was that?" Aether asked, suddenly on high alert. His eyes darting at the crowd around them, they all seemed to be as confused as he was. Another round of shrieks. That was when the crowd's confusion suddenly mixed with panic as people started pushing each other in an attempt to getaway from this unknown danger.

"it's coming from the Adventurer's Guild!" Gorou cried out. With bow in hand he was already pushing his way through the stampede of people. Kazuha right on his tail, blade drawn.

"Venti take care of Ruu and Paimon." Aether shoved the two at the drunken bard before following suit. The three ending up as a crumpled mess of limbs on the side of the street as Venti immediately collapsed. Aether had just broken through the torrent of people when he saw the Adventurer's Guild. Kathryn was slumped down on the ground, her hands defensively covering her face as fangs and teeth tried to reach her from the other side of the pedestal. A couple of adventurers were already lying motionless on the ground as wolf-like monsters were circling them from above. A few more were barely holding their ground against the never ending flurry of claws and fangs.

"Rifthounds!" Gorou yelled, sending an arrow into the eye of one of the whelps before summoning his Vision.

"Everyone on me!" The dog general cried out as a bright golden light enveloped him. His Vision rejuvenating the worn out adventurers as they pushed back with renewed vigor.

"Push them back! Protect the civilians!" He commanded. Sending another arrow into the nearest rifthound's pelt.

"Get the wounded!" Kazuha ordered. Jumping directly into the fray. His Vision growing brightly as a vortex of leaves and Anemo energy swirled around them.

Aether, with Gorou's support, managed to take down the rifthound that was trying to get to Kathryn with a quick strike to its neck. Pulling Kathryn to his feet, he had barely enough time to take a breather when another rifthound tried to blindside him. Luckily for him a couple of arrows had embedded itself in each of the monster's eyes, blinding it completely. He struck it down with one fell swoop again and chanced a glance at Gorou. Beside the dog-eared general was a woman, her presence still as imposing as ever. She grabbed a feathered fan from her waist and raised it above her head.

"Glory to the Shogun!" She yelled. As if to answer her battle cry lightning rained down from the heavens, striking the remaining rifthounds down in an instant.

"Attack!" She ordered as dozens of Shogunate samurai seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Finishing the remaining rifthounds in what can only be called a coup de grace.

"Sara!" Aether breathed out a sigh of relief. Sheathing his sword as he made his way to the tengu warrior. He watched Sara and Gorou discuss something in hush whispers, and judging from their expressions it was something serious.

"Thanks for the save." Aether said, clasping the tengu warrior's hand in a firm handshake.

"You have need not mention it Traveler." She replied as serious as ever. "This was just but a small matter compared to your contributions in keeping the peace in Inazuma."

"And I take this wasn't just a random monster attack in the city is it?"

Sara shook her head in defeat. "I'm afraid not." She admitted as she motions them to come closer.

"There have been reports of these rifthounds growing in number in Seirei island for weeks now but with the festival around the corner we couldn't spare the manpower to deal with them" She sighed.

"We have sent scouts to monitor the situation but we have lost contact with them this morning. The Tenryou Commission has even resorted to asking help from the Adventurer's Guild but-"

"Let me guess." Aether interrupted. "No one was willing to take up the request?"

Sara nodded.

"They have said that it would require an adventurer of tremendous skill to complete our objective."

"And I'm guessing that's where I come in?"

"If only that was the case." She huffed. "Earlier this morning the same time we lost communications with our scouts. Her Excellency, the almighty Shogun, had sensed an anomaly coming from Seirei island itself."

"An anomaly?"

"Yes. Apparently it was so concerning even Guuji Yae had accompanied her Excellency to Seirei Island herself. I was just about to recruit some adventurers to help bolster our forces when the chaos began."

"It's that bad huh?"

"It is." Sara affirmed. "And so may I ask if Inazuma may once again ask for your service Traveler?"

Aether looked at Sara who seemed to have shrunken the moment she bowed her head. This wasn't the first time she had asked for his assistance but did she really have to be so formal all the time? She need only ask.

"Of course. Though I might need a few moments to get my affairs in order."

Sara beamed. "Of course!"

"One question." Aether added. "If you're taking the majority of the Tenryou commission with you and with the Adventurer's Guild in tatters. Who's gonna be left to guard the city?"

"Well I-" Sara stopped as a soothing melody filled their ears. Their weariness from the battle seemingly draining out of them. They all craned their necks to see a boy kneeling down in front of a wounded adventurer. Hands clasped together. His Vision glowing bright as he sang.

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