Tour day-1

620 114 2

Yn nalla urakathill annu.aro avale valland shake cheyunnalole avalk thonni.

Yn: poyedaa poo....

Still kullukkam nikkunnillaa.


Aruddeyoo sound Purakill ninn kelkam.but yn kannu thurakathe avide thanne kidannu.

Yn:daa kookachiii mathi nirthan!!

Aval chaadi ennikunnu.

Aval chaadi ennikunnu

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Yn:ath pinne.

Hwang:haa enthayallum ennik sthalam ethi.

Hwang athum paranj busintte purakil avanmare ennipikan povunnu.

Yn:shit vtl annen vicharich🥲

Avar ellarum purathott bags okke ayyitt erangunnu.

Merinmiss:pillere eth oru dorm annu.left side girls and right side boys.ellarum poyi wash cheyth ready ayyitt vaa.correct 6:00 avumppo eranganam.

Ellarum pathiye akkathek kerunnu.yn avalde frnd Mina and jesside koode pokunnu.

Kook:daa eth nokkikke


Kook:ee alexintel  inden.



Alex:enthadaa.oru trip okke avumppo

Han:daa kope veruthe scn akkathe eduth kallanjee.

Alex:ethadaa pls

Han:njn collage chairman annena karyam ni maranna.


Soobin:ethenna cheyyande enn kuppi enganne thurakkukaa.

Felix:bhakki njn cheyyam ennitt ee wash basinlott enganne angu oozhich kallayukkaaa.


Alex:daa vendarnnu

Han:Alex ni chenn ready Avan nokk.chell.

Avan avide ninnum povunnu.

At girls dorm

Reshma:d Mina eth nokk


Reshma:ente top enganne indenn nokan.

Jessi:haa kolladii.eppozhathe trend annallo.ninak cherunund.

Yexa:ohh pinne ninak ee vavualintte dress evidenn kitti

Linda:😂athe kandallum mathi

Mina:ninga eth entha ee parayunne.avalde dressing entha kuzhapam.

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