1. chapter: Prologue

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Welcome to the english translation of my second fanfiction! As already mentioned, it is about the three Imladris brothers Elladan, Elrohir and Estel who embark on a journey to eastern Rhovanion. On their way through Mirkwood, however, something goes wrong, which is why the king's son and the ranger embark on a rescue mission, but not everything goes smoothly here either, so that the Elvenking himself has to intervene to save them. Will they survive and return home safely, or will this journey change their lives forever? Find out here! 

I will update weekly (possibly more often) and would be very happy about your opinion. Feel free to send me reviews and likes. As always none of this belongs to me, it belongs to Tolkien and is just for fun.The italics are intended to represent Elvish for a better idea. In the individual chapters, some real terms will appear, but they will always be explained at the end.


The day was already old and the sun slowly disappeared behind the large misty mountains as a gentle melody penetrated the clearing of a small grove in the far west of Rhovanion. But this was neither the happy twittering of singing birds nor the lovely song of the wind. It was the beautiful language of the elves, which was spoken there in the undergrowth of three riders dressed in azure capes.

"Are you listening to me at all?" the eldest of the small group asked the youngest, who looked dreamily into the dense canopy of leaves and was suddenly startled out of his thoughts when asked directly to him. "What did you say? I didn't really... now... um..."

"... listened?" the second oldest also interfered, whereupon the smallest looked at him with sinister, if partly amused features. "Maybe."

"As my dear brother, dear brother, has just reported in such detail, we have completed the first stage of our journey. We set up camp here, look for wood, smaller." Spoke the elder with a firm voice, which did not allow any contradictions.

"Stage of our journey? I thought we just wanted to make a small trip with overnight stay in the countryside?" Astonished, he looked at the two elders, who could think of nothing but a loud laughter at this facial expression. They pulled the dark hoods off their heads and revealed two almost identical faces that hinted at twins, which they certainly were. They were the sons of Elrond of Rivendell or Imladris, as the Eldar preferred. Elladan and Elrohir, born in the 130th year of the third age, which made them 2801 years older than their only about 20-year-old companion. This was the young Aragorn, who was to receive many other names in the further course of his life. Of his two foster brothers and the other elves, however, he has so far been called Estel, Hope.

"Well, you'll find out soon enough, at the latest when we're on our way back!" The twins looked at each other conspiratorial and nodded. They would leave it at a surprise, where their nest tick could try what it wanted, which the youngest himself hated very much, because if the two allied against him and concocted a plan, he usually had a small chance of getting something out of their thoughts. And this look, executed quickly and almost unnoticed, meant that he could indeed not see through them in front of their destination.

Without exchanging further words, all three swung from the horses to quickly detach the luggage from their saddles. Estel went into the shrubs and bushes to collect the wood. The brothers watched him go away and happily tied the horses "Oh he's growing up so fast!" sighed Elladan, who once again stroked his dark hair, but was then pulled into the next bush by his brother. "Come now! Let's search the surroundings, I don't really feel like experiencing a surprise tonight. Heaven knows what's going on here!"

Estel had been walking through the darkening landscape for some time and again reached for a piece of wood, when suddenly an arrow struck the tree next to him. Frightened he pulled out his sword and turned and turned. Where does it come from? Didn't Elladan and Elrohir think we were safe here? Sure, we are in the misty mountains, that's literally known for trouble! He thought to himself in silence and stared into the forest in the temptation to find the shooter. But he could not see the attacker, which was no longer significant, because before he knew it, he heard his older brother's voice echoing loudly from the darkness: "Help! Estel? Elladan? Help me!"

Without thinking any longer, the youngest ran off and followed the shouting, something really terrible must have happened when Elrohir called for help. He was an excellent warrior and usually put any enemy to flight. He ran faster and faster, always fixated on the sounds of his brother, because as long as he was still screaming, he was still alive. On the way, the arrow came back to his mind. It all fit together. He ran even faster, he had to help his brother.

The shouting became louder and louder, finally he reached a rocky outcrop on which Elrohir lay. Estel ran to him with his sword drawn and stood protectively in front of him. He looked into the darkness and could not see anything or anyone "Muindor nin, Estel nin!" (My brother, my hope!) Said Elrohir when he saw his little brother and also immediately stopped screaming. He could see much more in the dark. But while the young Estel was still looking around, he suddenly heard a wild battle cry in the darkness and only a few seconds later he himself went to the ground.

Muindor – brother

Nin – my

Estel – hope

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