Grief and All His Friends

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Louis P.O.V





" there's a chance she could still be alive?"

The thought of it made me soooooooo happy!! A 3rd chance to be with the girl I've wanted for a little over 6 months. A 3rd chance? Jeez, I'm clingy. But who cares?? But there is still the chance that she might not come back to life. I don't know what I'd do to be honest. It would be a hard thing to get over, but I would eventually. Jess would be even more heart-broken. Her bestie, just gone in a flash. I'm sure Harry would be sad, not just for me but for himself. He did used to like her. Liam would be sad too. He was the one who found her in the first place when Jess came back from New Zealand. He was the one, I think, who liked her first as well. He would always be shy around her and blush whenever she looked at him. He may had hid these little things, but I saw them. *Mental winky face* Zayn would be sad, but not as much as the others. She did lecture him though, how Jess couldn't be on Cocaine and how she would live and all that motivational speaking stuff. Meanwhile Niall...Well...I don't really know. He's the one who says he's as scary as a baby penguin. 6 months later...*meantally laughing* Anyway, yeah. But I knew we would all miss her more than everyone else.

But that's quickly erased when I hear some sort of slow beeping inside the room. I hear cheering and immediately get a hug from Jess. SHE CAME BACK TO LIFE!! I hug Jess back and start hugging all the boys.

"Well done mate, you get your girlfriend back" Zayn said.

"You have no idea how happy I am" Liam said with a grin spreaded across his face.

Harry just hugged me as tears came out of his eyes. But they weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of joy. I knew he liked Sam. She might've liked him back at the time. Or not. I DON'T KNOW!! I"M NOT A PSYCHIATRIST!! But I knew he'd lost feelings for her over those 5 months because everyone was worrying about me. Selfish me. Anyway, he was happy and I was glad.

Then Niall came along. The guy who is responsible for this in the first place. The guy who just happened to stab me in the back. The guy who tried to kill my girlfriend. Twice.

But he is also the guy who is my 'brother'. I hugged him and when we broke apart he talked first.

"Congrats Lou, and I'm sorry. I never meant for this to get out of hand. I guess I let the frustration get to me and...well...the rest is history. I really am sorry. We're bros, and bros don't try to kill each others girlfriends" *cue chuckling* "but yeah, I hope you can forgive me for everything I've done. Everything that's happened in the last 6 months was just pure hatred..."

 "OK NIALL!! I FORGIVE YOU!!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in surrender. "But I'm not the only one you have to apologise to" I pointed towards the room Sam was in. His face immediately drops. This is time where the doctor decides to say,

"We've just x-rayed your friend's leg, looks like the bullet went straight for the bone, breaking through all the veins, blood vessels and muscle and...well..." *pause for effect* All of us lean in to see if she's gonna be OK or not.

"She won't be able to walk again."

Silence falls upon the corridor. Everyone looks horrified. I look around. There are mouths dropping and gasps. Jess starts crying...again. The boys looked terrified and turn to look at me. I was now immensely sad. I couldn't stop the tears. Just to think of the fact that she'll never walk again is just...horrifying.

"Is there anyway she'll be able to still move around?" Harry asked for me. Thanks Hazza.

"Well, the only she'll have to get around is in a wheelchair" the doctor said coldly. Jess cried louder and Liam started rubbing circles on my back while I have my face buried in my hands.

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