Fridge Raid

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Your name is Dave

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Your name is Dave. For some time, you went exclusively by the name Davesprite as to not be confused with the 'real' Dave, but now because there is no other Dave's to be confused with, you can reclaim your original name. You are on The Land of Light and Rain after the unfortunate news of your sister, and close friend's, passing. You would tell more about yourself and your interests, but you have the feeling we already know them.

What will you do?

Dave: Do whatever

DAVE: i think we can just do whatever
DAVE: i mean we cant win the game or anything
DAVE: we failed
DAVE: so we just have to live with that
JOHN: so this is it?
DAVE: is there anything you have always wanted to do?
DAVE: something you were afraid of maybe
JOHN: uh, i don't know. it's alot to think about
DAVE: dont rush we like litterly have all the time in the world
DAVE: whats left of it i mean
JASPERSPRITE: I would like something to eat!! :3
DAVE: yeah that sounds good enough
DAVE: lets get something to eat

You think for a bit on something you could get to eat. There are no fish in the oceans of LOLAR, and without Rose there isn't a way to get them back. You look twards John who seems to be searching in his inventory.

DAVE: im going to find a fridge to raid, you coming?
JOHN: sure

John stops looking I didn't start gets up and starts to follow you as you walk aimlessly around your sister's large house. It's pretty grand all things considered.

JOHN: was there anything you wanted to do?
DAVE: nah im good

He gives you a weird sort of look. You can tell he thinks of you differently then the "Real" Dave. It hurts.

DAVE: actually there are some things i want to say
DAVE: if thats chill
JOHN: sure man, go off.
DAVE: im glad you are here
DAVE: i dont say soft shit all that much but ive had to learn twice you dont always get the chance to say whats on your mind
JOHN: wow, i'm glad your here too dave!

His tone is genuine and he seems pretty happy to hear that.
As you speak the two of you seem to approach a kitchen and without having to say anything you both know to split up and start checking the cabinets and fridge.

DAVE: i missed you alot
DAVE: like in my timeline
DAVE: i was fucking worried sick dude
JOHN: oh, im sorry.
DAVE: i mean shit id take being a fucking bird sprite any day over that timeline
JOHN: do you- does it hurt? does it hurt being a sprite?
DAVE: hurts like fuckin hell like youre constantly being burned alive
DAVE: not like it doesnt have its perks or whatever
JOHN: wow!
JOHN: that must suck.
DAVE: you get used to it

You've had to get used to quite a lot of things. John takes out some soda from the fridge as you fine a can of Spaghetti O's. You fucking love Spaghetti O's. They are like the most ironic food to you.

JOHN: shit i don't know what to say to that.
DAVE: its fine i still got shit to spill
DAVE: this time its the big shit

You really don't think you'll be able to say this. It's hard for you to even put together the words despite it being such an easy thing to say.

DAVE: ive had a crush on you for like
DAVE: as long as ive known you

John fumbles around with his sodas trying his best not to drop them. Its immediately obvious on his face that he is beyond shocked by what you just said, which you see as fair. You turn your head slightly so it's obvious that you aren't looking at him anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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